Cutest Rare Intersex Kitten Shows Life Is Diverse As a Tortoiseshell Cat’s Unique Coat
We love seeing unusual cats, and they often get lots of attention for what makes them unique. Frequently, shelters and rescues encounter 'unicorn' cats
We love seeing unusual cats, and they often get lots of attention for what makes them unique. Frequently, shelters and rescues encounter 'unicorn' cats
Athena, the tortoiseshell cat, was a harbinger of hope, a small miracle survivor after a deadly tornado ripped through Mississippi. Athena's name comes from
Florida rescuers shared a favorite "then and now" about Ruby, a tortoiseshell semi-feral cat rescued from a truck stop. They're so proud of saving
A sweet tortie named Jessabelle wins the heart of Cat Rescue Guy after a difficult treetop rescue. What do you do if your cat
If you think of a Truffle, you might think of a rare, prized delicacy, something to be treasured. Likewise, Truffle, the pretty tortoiseshell cat,
Lena, the tortie, had an amazing transformation after being saved just in time on a farm in Illinois. Rescuers had to team up fast
Rescuers from Feline Friends Chicago shout out all the cats and kittens who have found homes since the New Year's turn. It's quite an
San Diego rescuers at Love Your Feral Felines (LYFF) celebrated when two cat sisters, Cocoa and Snowball, found a second home during the holidays. After
A "unicorn kitten" with a rare coat pattern arrived at a rescue north of NYC. Westchester County, NY rescuers at FURRR 911, unexpectedly found some
A Cheeky kitten overcomes toxoplasmosis, recovering completely thanks to her foster moms and a team of vets. Portland, Oregon, kitten rescuers, amazing kitty photographer