(UPDATE!) Cat Loses Both Ears And Almost His Life; Found Battered Hiding In Car Engine For Warmth
When the temperatures reached a high of just 13 degrees on February 26th, 2019, one cat found a warm, and dangerous place to hide.
When the temperatures reached a high of just 13 degrees on February 26th, 2019, one cat found a warm, and dangerous place to hide.
Frigid temperatures didn't stop people across North and South America from going outside in the wee morning hours to witness natures beauty. The January
When Elizabeth Feldhausen, founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, wrote a blog entitled "Anophthalmia, Microphthalmia – Cats Without Eyes? FAQs", she never imagined the impact
The cats at the Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary and cat cafe in Green Bay, WI have a slew of devoted humans to serve them.
A small tan Tabby cat was recently the focus of an undercover "opurration" in the Midwestern U.S. The mission was simple but dire; get
What were you doing when you were 6-years-old? Likely not creating handmade toys to sell to fund the adoptions and care for shelter cats.
Unless you also have been napping for the last week straight, you've likely seen the adorable photos of the "Cat Grandpa" sleeping at a