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Rescuers in Brooklyn often see badly neglected and abandoned “shop cats.” Such was the case for Simba, an orange tabby kitten left behind when a smoke shop changed ownership. Unfortunately, the shop’s new owners didn’t want Simba either and put him on the dangerous street feet from traffic. That’s when Greenpoint Cats got a message asking for help from a concerned citizen. 

As we’ve shared, many beloved bodega cats are well-cared for, but there are also sad cases where they are neglected and thought of as merely free pest control, left to scrape by or even starved out. Without food and veterinary care, they struggle as they continue having kittens which require rescue. Each time it takes many caring people to save them and donate for expenses.

Simba the shop cat at a Brooklyn smoke shop

 Images and media via Instagram/greenpoint_cats

Left outside in the cold, the kitty was out of his element. He was also inches from danger all around him. You can see in the video below he tried to find help but wasn’t having much luck.

Shop Owners Previously Refused Help for Simba 

As for Simba, he may have been unwanted by the smoke shop, but someone cared enough to reach out for help. As it turned out, the rescuers had seen Simba before and even offered to help the shop owners, but they refused. Instead, they turned down help and even insisted that Simba should be free to create more kittens. At least now, the rescuers could finally take him in.

Simba sits in a shop window

“Another day, another unwanted shop cat… this time, it’s a cat we first encountered back in August when he was on the sidewalk, playfully jumping out at people outside the shop. I was concerned about the cat playing so close to traffic. The owner at the time refused my offer to provide flea meds, neuter and vaccinations, saying that he likes his cats to be intact to make more babies. Fast forward to today when news spread that ‘Simba’ was left behind by that owner and was unwanted by the new ones. We are going to get him,” shared Greenpoint Cats.

Message about Simba the shop cat, Brooklyn, Greenpoint Cats

Simba Finds a New Best Friend in Foster Home

When the rescue shared the story, people came forward wanting to help and even foster Simba. At the same time, the rescuers were also saving an uncommon ginger girl kitten, Violet. In foster care, she would become his new girlfriend. (All rescues are spayed and neutered to help control the pet population). About 20 percent of ginger tabbies are female, while all are “typically affectionate, and are usually less shy and more friendly than your average house cat.” (Like Marmalade!)

Violet came from a similar situation, trying to survive in a warehouse. 

After bonding in foster care, Violet and Simba would be together forever and never have to struggle again.

Simba and Violet cuddle in a pink pet bed

“We rescued Violet as a lone, flea-infested kitten who was hiding among the boxes in a warehouse. Today in their foster home, they curl up like cozy orange peels, their pasts behind them and a beautiful future waiting ahead. They’re a purrfect pair and we’d like to adopt them to a home together!”

Cuddling orange tabby kitties in pink bed

If you’d like to help cats and kittens like Simba and Violet, you can follow Greenpoint Cats on Instagram and Facebook. Those living nearby in New York can apply to volunteer, foster cats, and adopt, and all can donate on their website.

Adorable ginger kitties cuddle on sofa with zebra blanket



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