Catster magazine published an article that caught our attention and got us thinking. It’s about the smells that cats prefer to whiff on; haha. But it made me more curious because here at the Cole and Marmalade house, poor ginger Marm is a gagger. Of course he has to smell everything because ‘cat’. But for really strong smells, they make him gag.
While it was hilarious to see the first time, it also came with fear seeing him almost puke from a smell. There are of course the smells he goes bonkers over; butter, any meat and literally any cheese. But isn’t that all cats? So seeing the details from Catster was very interesting when thinking of our own fluffs.
Are there smells the majority of cats prefer?
Okay, there are going to be the commonly known cat related smells first. Catnip, catmint, etc…and even if it’s estimated that only 70% of cats are attracted to catnip, those that love it, LOVE it. Coming from someone who grows their own catnip in the garden, I can confirm it brings ALL the cats to the yard. Fresh off the plant or dried, these herbs can be a stimulant or a sedative. If your cat loves to roll around in the nip, you will likely see some stimulated silly fun chaos follow. But if your feline likes to eat the catnip, this chaos usually is short and followed by a seriously sedated cat nap about 20 minutes later.
Valerian Root and Cat Thyme are more uncommon but can have the same effects on cats that the nip does. Looks like I have more planting to do soon!
A surprising plant that is related to the catnip family that you wouldn’t have expected is Basil.
However, while many cats like the smell of basil, few seem to like the taste. As a result, it’s unlikely that your cat will go as wild for basil as they do for catnip, but they still might appreciate you keeping some around (especially if it’s sprinkled on baked chicken).
What about smelly foods?
Most cats are going to be like our Marmalade; loving the smell of meats and cheese. Sidenote – cats are obligatory carnivores and NEED meat, none of this vegetarian cat nonsense. But according to this report, olives/olive oil are on the majority of felines’ “yum yum” lists.
Surprisingly, olives are another alternative to catnip. However, instead of riling your cat up, it should leave them feeling relaxed and laid back. It may even leave them in a nearly trance-like state. That’s because olive leaves contain a compound called “oleuropein,” which produces a narcotic effect in cats. It’s a great way to calm a skittish cat, but you may find that even your most relaxed kitties also enjoy munching on olive leaves.
Plants NOT specifically related to the nip family.
The article also goes into other plants that may entice your family cat. Even though these are not related to the nip family, cats seem drawn to them. Honeysuckle has made it to the list, but comes with a warning for outside cats that may come into contact with it. In our opinion, you’re better off being safe rather than sorry and not chancing it with poisonous plants.
If you plant honeysuckle in your garden, you can watch as your cat slowly weaves in and out of the leaves, stopping occasionally to rub up against them. That’s because cats love the scent, and it relaxes them as they hang out in the leaves.
Just be careful not to let your cat eat honeysuckle berries, as they’re toxic to felines. It’s best if you don’t let them eat any part of the plant, so make sure they’re just enjoying it for the smell.
Fruits are another food that cats are drawn too. Although citrus trees and plants did not make the list. This is because citrus smells are commonly used to DETER cats as they are too strong for their sensitive noses. A great list to be aware of is “what fruits are toxic to cats”, so be sure to keep this list of safe fruits handy!
However, the boxes they come in are a favorite in our home of course.
The best smell – YOU.
Not to miss the most obvious, your feline companion loves the smell of YOU.
When cats rub on our bodies, they are marking their territory. You are their human. It is a show of affection, claiming you as their own. Come to think of it, maybe when they stare at us in the shower they are just irritated we’re washing off their smell?! Fortunately, cat lovers are more than happy to let their cat overlord “restink” us up. Wear that cat fur like a badge of honor!

The original CaM Family; Cole, Marmalade, mom Jessica Josephs and dad Chris Poole. Credit: Northwest Herald/Shaw Media – Photographer: Sarah Nader –