Over the summer in Atlanta, Sterling ‘Trap King’ Davis answered a call for help to TNR cats. Atlanta’s king of trap, neuter, return pulled up in his trademark purple and blue RV and helped Sally continue to catch all the feral cats near her home. The pregnant mother cat was “ferociously feral” and did her best to keep her 3-month-old kittens away from people under a neighbor’s house.
Sally had worked hard all summer to TNR the cats herself, but some speedy kitties eluded capture. She obtained humane traps from an Atlanta veterinarian and focused on the females first, but the wily males and mama were tricky.
“…Momma is very very ferociously feral, and she’s a good momma. All she had to do was growl, and her kittens would change course and not come to me,” she explained on Facebook.
After doing an amazing job to TNR the cats, Sally got backup from the Trap King. Now she could finally. catch the remaining rocket-speed kitties!
“Ask, and you shall receive! Give, and it shall be returned 100 fold,” she said. “[I] manifested help with the feral kitties! So grateful! BTW: they are also filming a documentary on the Trap King.”
Rocky Rocket Takes Off Like Lightning
Davis worked with Sally to catch the remaining cats, including Rocky Rocket, who shot out like a rocket when he was neutered and returned to live free. You can see for yourself why he got the name in the video below:
“‘And that’s why they call him Rocky Rocket!!’ 😹😻 After working with my TNR friend, Sally to catch all but 1 kitty left in her colony (which we will catch!), we returned this cute fella “Rocky Rocket” …….as you can see, he was in a hurry to get to his homie, who everyone voted should be ‘MewPaul’ 😻😻,” he shared on Instagram.
MewPaul Sashays Away
And here is MewPaul, who has the best name ever.
MewPaul sashayed away and almost as quickly as Rocky Rocket.
Moonwalking Cats of Atlanta
Now, there was just one remaining cat named Cookie left to TNR. David congratulated Sally for her amazing efforts as they released Cookie following his neutering. Now, she and Davis are raising awareness about how you, too, can try TNR for feral cats and kittens.
As you can see in the video, Cookie ‘Moonwalked’ to freedom.
“Can’t let too much time go by without congratulating my rescue buddy Sally……a few weeks ago we had trapped ‘Rocket’ and only had one more kitty named ‘Cookie’ to catch. The other day we were able to finally get Cookie neutered and vaccinated! By the way he moonwalked out of the trap, I would say he was happy to get back to his colony!! 😹😹😻😻It’s not easy to get a whole colony snipped and tipped so thanks for what you do Sally!”
TNR in Atlanta and Everywhere
Davis continues to raise awareness about Cat Dads who do TNR to help stray and feral cats. One day, he hopes the practice will be commonplace everywhere.
“People ask me, What is TNR? Is it a dance? Is it a drug? I’ve got a lot of work to do. It should be as common as recycling,” he told Atlanta Magazine. “If you go to somebody’s house, you ask, Where’s the recycling? If they don’t do it, you’re like, Wow, really? I want to make it to where, if you go to somebody’s house and you see a cat that’s not ear-tipped, you say, Wow, you don’t TNR?”
Davis is currently promoting the movie Cat Daddies, which is all about ending negative stereotypes about men who love cats. Proceeds from ticket sales in select theaters are helping cat rescuers like Davis’s TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions. You can learn more on Facebook and Instagram.
See the Cat Daddies trailer below: