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“I do what I want”[/caption]

Even though he tried his best to keep up his tough persona, eventually Owl’s hard outer shell cracked.

This was also due in part to one little friend that bonded closely with the feisty house panther.

His name was Hoot and he was one of the others trapped that day. Once they were indoors, Hoot earned his name by always wanting to be near Owl.

So now Owl had a cat bestie to comfort him and the two could grow and learn together. Except, there may be a bit of defiance in Hoot too.

Each day Ashley would give extra snuggles and attention to Owl to instill more trust in the tiny kitten. This is the most important thing in socialization…CONSISTENCY. And she knows you can’t ever slack. 

Owl is still very grumbling when I first come in. Once I sit down and let him come to me, we establish that I am safe and he relaxes. Watch the video to see him playing, running and getting told off by my cats lol

Hoot stopped peeing in the food dish and learned how to be a purr-oper gentleman too. You just can’t be upset with those little faces. Pretty sure Ashley teaches them that too!

Ashley playing with SnapChat app

As the weeks went by, it was time for Owl and Hoot to be fixed and put up for adoption.

As a foster parent, when you see two of your “furkids” bond and help each other thrive, it’s hard to see them separated when adopted. Luckily, Ashley’s social media followers refused to let that happen.

Hoot and Owl love being together but there are some things to keep in mind. Hoot will be your bestie. He loves to be pet, cuddle, play, etc. Owl does want to play, with you and Hoot, BUT he will also hiss and run away.
He will lounge on the couch next to me but from a safe distance. Being that he was rescued at around 10 weeks of age, he has some natural instincts that may leave a lasting impression on his behavior. Though I do think with time, getting to know you and patience he will be willing to lay on your lap for some snuggles. I can usually walk right up to him and pet him and he purrs.
He’s like a tiny house panther with an attitude. He even comes upstairs at night to sleep under my bed. He likes to be near me, on his own terms.

And on August 15th, Ashley undertook what may be one of her most difficult adoptions yet…

Tonight’s adoption was a tough one. I’ve grown so close to this group of kittens as they spend most of the day with me in the living room. Owl and Hoot will have such a wonderful life with their new parents and I am so thrilled for them. Their new names will be Jonesy and Reilly. (Who gets the reference??) I think they are adorable.

It’s always hard to say goodbye, especially when you have a kitten like Owl who needed so much extra attention and love to get him to the point of being socialized and able to be adopted. But imagine how fulfilling it is when you take scared kittens from an attic, and find them loving homes. It’s priceless. I will be posting some videos of Hoot and Owl and the gang on YouTube over the next few days. Happy life boys! ❤️

Be sure to follow Owl and Hoot, now Jonesy and Reilly on Instagram, for more of their adorable faces. 

And don’t forget to follow The Youngest Old Kitten Lady and her rotating cycle of swoon worthy rescue transformations. 

All photos/video courtesy of Ashley Morrison / The Youngest Old Kitten Lady


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