In case you needed another reason to love watching cat videos on the internet, this is it.
Freddie the cat is a rescued black feline who captured the heart of his adopter at just 5 weeks of age.
Born with cerebellar hypoplasia–which is the feline form of cerebral palsy–Freddie didn’t have luck on his side when it came to finding a person to care for a kitten with so many needs.
But Kelly Shutter knew from the moment she met this tiny black kitten he was going to be hers, furever.
From the time Kelly brought Freddie home, she noticed that the kitten loved to be swaddled.
Now, I’m by no means an advocate for dressing a cat for one’s own amusement, but it’s clear to see from the video and the photos of this dapper cat dude, he has no objections!
I feel like I’m looking at Don Draper in cat form from these sharp suits!
Dogs have Thunder Shirts for anxiety, but Freddie the special needs kitty has cute outfits to make him feel snug and secure.
Little Freddie making biscuits and stealing my heart in the process….
As a way to show the world that special needs cats have the ability to spread joy and give their potential owners endless happiness, Kelly and Freddie do tours around town to spread awareness.
“We’ll be walking along and people will ask me all the time, ‘is that a cat?!'”
Kelly and her handsome boy love going to festivals, craft shows, and the mall.
The goal is to spread awareness for other disabled pets out there who need someone to give them the chance they deserve.
I sure know I’d love to see him!
Freddie absolutely loves the attention.
At their local Renaissance Faire, Freddie is not only a huge hit with the Royal Family…
…He IS one of the family!
Although apparently he happily falls asleep whenever he is pet by his admirers.
Looks like he’s got some famous fans too!
Freddie’s human hopes that her feline can show others that special needs animals like this need loving homes, and that they have the ability to give so much happiness to people willing to take a chance on them.
His “chariot” is adorned with a plaque (so-to-speak) so that he can get out the word to as many as possible.
“Although I can’t walk, I’m in no pain and am happy, so there is no need for vets to euthanize me or other kitties like me. CH is not hereditary or contagious. I’m totally healthy and love to make people smile.”
“You can pet me , take my picture and share my story, you may save the life of another CH kitty by spreading awareness about disabled animals! Ask my Mom about me, thanks!”
It is likely with a fluffy face and purrfect disposition like Freddie’s, his social media pages are about to gain quite a few followers!
Modeling a fine suit as shown below…
LT Freddie, at your service!
When Freddie and his human aren’t out spreading awareness, they can be found at their family owned cat sanctuary, the 809th Armpurred Cattalion out of Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
“We do not adopt out except for rare situations, all cats that come in become our pets in their furever home.”
Right now, Freddie has 124 brothers and sisters!!!
Have you ever seen this many cats getting along and CHOOSING to share the bed?!
Currently, Kelly is working on registering as a non-profit and all the care is being paid for out of pocket.
We just convinced her to create an Amazon Wishlist in the meantime.
We assured her, “It’s never a bad thing to accept help from those of us who are moved by what she does”. <3
If you’d like to catch a glimpse of fabulous Freddie all year round, you can purchase his wall calendar here!
You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram @809tharmpurredcattalion.
Way to go, Freddie, you are one awesome cat! Even when you’re feeling a bit “froggy”. =)
Related Story: Teeter-Tottering Kitten Rescued Just In Time!
Related Video: A Day at The Cat House on the Kings
That’s an amazing story. I’m so glad Freddy has such a Loving Home and Family. It’s so amazing to be able to have that many cats also. Here in Phoenix the Humane Society will raid you if you have more than 9 cats. Congratulations to Freddy ad his Mom for doing so much. Take Care and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all of you. Best Wishes and God Bless All of You Always
I met Kelly and Freddie at the Pa Renaissance Faire and quickly became good friends. Freddie has become quite a celebrity on “Shire” (at the Faire). I like to refer to Freddie as the “mascat” (not mascot$) of Kelly and plethora of cats.
I am fortunate enough to know Freddie. He is the most loving and sweet cat I have ever known. His human is very devoted to him and all his brothers and sisters. It is amazing the impact that one cat and his human can have! Love you Freddie!