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For a beautiful grey mama cat in Florida, her short 2 years of life have been filled with trials.

Although she had a home, she was allowed to repeatedly get pregnant.

Her latest litter of kittens was born on October 24th, 2018.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

Of the four kittens born, two were showing symptoms of a rare condition, “splayed leg syndrome”.

This is commonly referred to as “swimmer syndrome”, causing “frog legged kittens”. 

There is not much known about it’s cause, but sadly in the past many kittens with symptoms were put to sleep! 

Thankfully, now we know it can be corrected. The earlier you start the correction the more successful you will be.

In a devastating twist, their human decided they didn’t have the time or resources to care for the special needs kittens.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

When Dani Giroux heard of the young family in need, she knew she may be the only chance for them to live a normal life.

Those in the cat rescue world know her by her more popular name, Dani The Cat Lady.

She first caught our attention with the heartwarming rescue story of Banjo, the no-eyed kitten. 

Here is the first video she received of the kittens, sparking her inner savior.

Even though she’d never cared for felines with swimmer syndrome, she never backs down from a challenge.

Especially when the outcome is saving a life.

The symptoms indicated only a mild form of the disease, but could quickly cause permanent issues if not managed.

“This is a rare developmental deformity of newborn dogs and cats, whereby the hind limbs, and at times the front limbs as well, are splayed laterally resulting in an inability or difficulty to stand or walk.”

“In their case just the back legs were splayed, which is best case scenario.”

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

Dani dove in head first and gathered as much info and contacted others who’d helped cats with this condition.

She spoke to her veterinarian Dr. Emerson at Pet First, who’d also not yet helped kittens with this condition.

Dr. Emerson was ready to take the journey with her to save these two.

After talking through treatment plans and therapy with professionals, she felt even more confident in taking the kittens.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

Dani contacted the family and agreed to pick up the 2 kittens requiring special care on Saturday, November 24th.

But while planning to make the drive and agree upon a meeting time, she was surprised once again.

The family was moving and wanted Dani to take all 4 kittens and the mom!

It broke Dani’s heart to think of what may happen if she didn’t agree, so the whole clowder was welcomed.

She introduced her newest foster family on her social media pages like a proud new parent. 

Mama was renamed Charlie and will be spayed as soon as possible.

No more baby-making for this cutie!

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

The 2 “hydro-kittens” were named Augustus and Violet.

Augustus is the tabby with the little pink button nose in front. Violet is the white kitten with a grey tail.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

There is sister, Veruca.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

And coming in a teeny-tiny, last but not least, 14-ounce package, is runt Willy.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

His siblings all weigh between 18-20 ounces.

They had certainly entered a magical world in Dani’s foster factory!

For Augustus and Violet, physical therapy began immediately.

Dani taped their hind legs in an upright position. 

“Let me tell you, taping kittens legs is not easy! They’re so wiggly. It really is a two person job, which is fun cause I live alone! HAHA Luckily my sister lives next door.”

The kittens are responding amazingly so far after only 3 tapings.

It helps having a-purr-oved fun cat toys and comfy Splayed leg syndromepillows around at their disposal!

They’re walking on their legs better now and even getting around without the tape.

It was off to visit Dr. Emerson again on Wednesday the 28th.

Happily, the prognosis was promising and she thinks they’re well on their way already.

“They may always walk a little funny… but they’re walking. They can get around fine, even in the litter box. It’s crazy how kittens are so resilient.”

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady ~ “Five more minutes okay mom?”

While Violet and Augustus are working on their posture, little Willy has not been forgotten.

Being the runt, Dani has to keep an eye on his growth as well.

Right now, all the kittens are eating solid food on their own.

But she is also supplementing Willy’s meals with some extra gruel to make sure he eats enough.

It can be hard getting all the required nutrients with 3 bigger siblings!

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

The entire family is utterly adorable though.

They spend their days lounging around together when not playing just like “normal” kittens.

Mom Charlie is also as sweet as can be.

Seems all of them were born to be in front of the camera. Aren’t we glad?!

You’d think that this meant Dani had her hands full.

However, the life of a dedicated cat rescuer is one of an open heart and an open door.

Talking with Dani today, she’s off again tonight to pull another kitten from a “less than ideal” situation.

The rotating door of felines aren’t only watched over by Dani though.

Photos Courtesy of Dani The Cat Lady

She has amazing followers on Facebook and Instagram who help with donations of food, litter and supplies. They are always welcome! 

If you would like to help her care for this stunning family and all the others in her care, you can!

Please visit her wish list to find out how you can be a part of something special.


Related Story: Stray Kitten Found With Severe Eye Injuries; Loses Both Eyes But Finds the Purrfect Furever Home

Related Story: When This Kittens Breathing Declined, Rescuers Diagnosis Rare Condition and Help Him Conquer It!

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