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Occasionally, odd things fall from the sky, even unfortunate ground dwelling animals snatched up by a bird of prey. Although not as bizarre as a 600 pound cow falling on a car! Yes, that DID happen. But smaller animals are often in the same plight when they are spotted by larger birds. 

One of the most common small animals that may find themselves in this situation are poor tiny kittens. Whether they are ferals, abandoned or primarily outdoor family cats, there are many aerial predators lurking above them.

In Northern Illinois, fluffy little kitten Sammy found himself in this position when a bird tried to make him lunch!

Likely scooped up by a hawk or owl, Sammy fell to the ground after perhaps wiggling out of the birds sharp talons. He was found loudly mewing and crying under a bush. His rescuers contacted a local rescue group ASAP-ANIMAL SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS, INC.

ASAP rushed Sammy to Companion Animal Specialty & Emergency Hospital for an exam and x-rays. Luckily he did not have any broken bones, but he was suffering from multiple wounds. He has puncture wounds to his back from the bird snatching him up.  And his poor little face was torn/ripped on his lip.

Further exam at ASAP’s veterinary partner Pet Vet Animal Clinic and Mobile Practice, Ltd revealed a severely damaged shoulder with possible permanent muscle and nerve damage. This is medically diagnosed as brachial plexus avulsion.

The team held out hope for improvement before any thoughts of amputation of the limb are entertained. Sammy’s age, size and possible blood loss would all need to be considered but this would be worst case scenario. =(

Meanwhile Sammy is staying at the Pet Vet clinic and getting a lot of attention after his bird attack.

If you would like to donate to ASAP and help Sammy with his ER bills and future surgery, check out their website here. (Previous story-2018)

So while many cats are free to roam or made to live the feral lifestyle not of their choosing, please make sure they are safe! Birds of prey are not the only dangers they face in the outside world.

When in doubt, don’t let them out!

Thank you to our friends at ASAP for helping the community cats! We are grateful of what you do and glad to have been able to help at the recent and ongoing hoarding situation. Keep up the great work!

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