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It wasn’t monsters under the bed that London resident Paris Zarcilla found one morning.

He was looking for a jumper, that’s a “sweater” for us Americans, when he found a cat with a litter of newborns. The only problem is that Zarcilla doesn’t own a cat!

Paris shared his new discovery on his Twitter account and the world is following the story with baited breath.

He is waiting to find out if the mother cat belongs to someone in the area. Local rescues and shelters have been called to see if they have a portable scanner to check for a chip, but so far none have.

While he laughingly adapts his life to now revolve around his new charges, he shares the thoughts that we kitten servants know well. He was chosen!

“Beginning to experience the dread and emotional turmoil of the idea that I might have to give up the fluff blessings at some point. This may be someone’s cat and I don’t want to take away this joy from anybody. But my dad instincts have kicked in so hard. I want this.”

The next morning after a fitful night of sleep, he filmed the new mama resting peaceful with her fur-babes. 

As of yesterday afternoon, Paris posted that he hadn’t named the kittens yet. Only because it is a commitment that his heart was not ready to accept, should they be taken from him. 

UPDATE: But today his Twitter followers were updated with a beautiful surprise!

Just hours ago, he shared details on the 4 kittens WITH their new names!!! Game of Thrones will be utterly delighted!

Sleepy heavyweight male Rickon resting up.

The adorable tabby boy Jamie.

The small but fierce spotted tabby Tyrion.

And last but certainly not least, the solo female, future queen Lyanna Mormont.

Congrats to Paris and his new family however long they may share this blessed life together! Welcome to the Crazy Cat Man lifestyle =)


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