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Does anybody need a story about a burly cowboy from Texas who’s also an adoring cat dad? If so, you’re in luck! Andrew Villarreal, 27, of Houston, rose to TikTok fame after he started posting videos of his orange rescued cat, Sebby and his weight loss journey.

 “He really needed help losing weight, so I wanted to show people that it was possible for a cat to achieve such a thing,” Villarreal told the Houston Chronicle.

After going viral with a video about the cat’s litter box habits, of all things, the self-described Texan “Cat Dadd” broadened his videos to positive stories about the wacky things cats do, as well as “how loving and affectionate they can be.”

“People say me and Father look alike..I don’t see it😾,” shared Sebby.

He says his affection for cats came from his Mom, who taught him to be kind to all animals and “help who you can” as a child. Now, the Chronicle calls him the “burliest cat-loving Texan in the world.” Maybe, but if you think you’re a contender, feel free to let us know in the comments!

Video via TikTok/elloboooo

Texan Cat Dad and His Eight Loaves

Currently, Villarreal has eight “loaves,” all rescues. It started in 2017 when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, and he adopted a cute tabby, Chloe.

“She came up to me and we were both displaced. I couldn’t help but take her in,” he explained to Lovimals (see video below).

Next came tortie Maggie, found by the side of a road by his sister. Surely Chloe needed a friend, right? Then came Sebastian, better known as Sebby, his first male cat, who was wandering around a park. The cat had a distinct Garfield vibe from the start and his ear tip indicates he was probably caught before through TNR (trap, neuter, return) rescuers.

“They actually called me to play Garfield but I chose a different path. 🐈”

One of Sebby's early posts on Instagram

One of Sebby’s early posts on Instagram from August 2020.

Eventually, Sebby’s littermate Abby followed, and then Zeus and Tuxie, and finally, Sansa, an orange and white kitten rescued from a car engine.

“Does your cat have a cat?” he shared.

It took some getting used to, but eventually, his “army of cats” learned to get along, using seven litter boxes. However, it’s Sebby, the ginger boy, who is like a son.

“I get to have all these cats who genuinely love me and show me that they do care,” he said.

Andrew Villarreal, 27, of Houston, TikTok, elloboooooo, 2

Video by Lovimals featuring Andrew Villarreal and all the kitties:

A Crayzee Cat Cowboy?

After taking in a small army of felines, Villarreal jokes that he can’t stop thinking about adopting more. Does that make him a crayzee cat cowboy? Nah, we think it’s just fine.

“I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”

In response to the video, a fan could relate to adopting so many cats.

“I had a recuse which all turned into failed fosters, and I kept them all…. I’m prob a massive crazzzzy cat lady 😂😅” responded Aleshia W.

“No such thing as [crazzzy] ma’am🤨,” responded the Cat Dad.

As we know, adopting rescued cats can be addictive and a lot of fun! Of course, it’s a serious commitment for a lifetime, but life is happier and more fulfilled with our furbabies and other pets.

“You’re sad? Just get a cat! (Responsibly of course)”

You can join the party with Cat Dadd and his feline fam on TikTokInstagram, and YouTube.

“Here is me and dad ten years ago vs now😹😹” shared Sebby the Cat.

Garfield with Sebby and Andrew Villarreal, Houston, Here is me and dad ten years ago vs now



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