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Anyone who has ever attended school or had a job knows of the “first day jitters.” What can you expect on your first day? Did you prepare enough for what you are going to encounter? Who knows! We tilt our chins up high and take a chance on the unknown. And that’s how we learn. But what if that first day is SO unheard of, you have no clue what your future holds? For firefighter Cory Hagan he certainly didn’t expect his first day to go so smoothly.

But that’s what happened to rookie firefighter Hagan during his first rescue on the job. 

Cory had recently transferred to a full time position within the Burton Fire District. And wouldn’t you know it? The station received a call about a cat on a roof. The poor feline had found it’s way on to the top of a mobile home, where it had been for 2 days!

But the cat didn’t belong to the homeowners and they believed it to be a neighbors. And they didn’t discover it by accident! Because the cat had been meowing loudly every time they walked around the home. 

“They (the homeowners) had no way of getting the cat down,”  Capt. Dan Byrne of the department reported. “They figured the cat will find its way down and, after two days, they called us.”

And since it was Hagan’s first rescue call, they graciously let him ascend the heroic ladder. 

But what happened next was unheard of and heartbreaking at it’s core. Because as soon as Cory reached the top of the roof, the cat jumped into his arms! 

ROOKIES FIRST RESCUE! #BurtonFD‘s newest member, FF Hagan, makes the 1st rescue of his career. While not as dramatic as a fire or vehicle collision, after 2 days without food or water, little Reeces is no less happy to be free & no less a life worth saving. 8 lives to go!

He easily came down with the feline safely. And then, the lesson I hope he learns from most, presented itself. DON’T LET GO OF THE CAT!

“As soon as they touched the ground, it was clawing to get out and run,” Byrne said. “They feel pretty confident the cat comes from the mobile home park and knows how to get home.”

As someone who cares for feral colonies and stray cats, working TNR non-stop, I truly hope next time they care for the cat better. I know nothing was done on purpose and hopefully the cat safely returns to it’s “owner”. But that poor kitty was on the roof for two days with no food and water. It needed medical attention; at least in the form of a check up after the ordeal. 

But, we live and learn and we focus on the most important parts.

The cat is safely off the roof, and Firefighter Hagan has a great story to tell at parties. 

Clearly he’s got good mojo for the cat to trust him, so he could be the go-to for all cat calls in the future?! =)

While not as dramatic as a rescue from a fire or vehicle collision, our victim is no less appreciative to be free, and no less a life worth saving. “Two legs, four legs, one leg, no legs, if it has breath it’s our purpose.” #BurtonServices #EightLivesToGo



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