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Police officers often help with car issues on the side of the road. When an officer sees a stranded person with their car, they may think a tire needs replaced or maybe the engine overheated. But do they ever expect a kitten to be stuck inside of the car?

Stranded Driver Turns to Kitten Rescue

New Bern Police Department, Officer with kitten

Photos via Facebook/ New Bern Police Department

Sergeant Weaver and Captain Daniels of the New Bern Police Department were patrolling in their squad car one beautiful morning in New Bern, North Carolina. As they approached Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, they saw a person standing with their car. What they thought was a stranded motorist was really a call for a kitten rescue!

When the officers offered their help to the driver, they saw a kitten stuck in the wheel well of the car. With a little maneuvering, they managed to pull the little kitten out to safety. What a close call!

“NBPD’s Captain Daniels and Sgt. Weaver stopped on MLK Jr. Blvd. this morning to assist what they thought was a stranded motorist. Captain Daniels and Sgt. Weaver located a kitten clinging for dear life in the wheel well of the vehicle. The kitten is doing well and has been taken to the shelter for Royal treatment and to find his forever home! Good work NBPD!”

Cats and the Dangers of A Car’s Engines, Wheel Wells, and Other Areas

New Bern Police help woman with kitten stuck in car wheel well

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of instances of cats stuck in cars. This happens often as our feline friends search for shelter from the elements, especially in the winter. In the cold, cats can crawl up into engines and wheel wells of cars looking for warmth and to stay dry. One of the best ways to avoid any catastrophe of a cat stuck in your car is to tap on the hood of the car. Usually, this will startle the cat and they will crawl out to safety. 

Kitty is Doing Fine!

The small orange tabby is doing great now. The NBPD took the kitten to the shelter where it received care and was later put up for adoption. Wouldn’t it have been sweet if the police officers adopted them and made the kitten their new feline officer? How cute! 

This is not the first time this particular police department has helped in the rescue of animals. Animal Control Officer Bryant of Craven County did a little rescuing of his own. Bryant saved three small dogs with them gaining new homes. Thank you ACO Bryant! 

Thank you to all the officers of the New Bern Police Department for being wonderful animal advocates and helping our furry friends! 


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