When our friends at Love Meow told us about an article they’d just done on the cutest little “old man” looking kitten, we had to check it out. And oh my gosh! Not only does the newborn have the most adorable grumpy little grandpa face, he has overcome more in his new life than most…well ever will!
Because behind his grandpa scowl, he is lovingly winning his battle to overcome his birth defects.
Nothing that he is suffering from will hopefully be life threatening. And that is due to one organization and a very special foster mom who stepped in to help.
The newborn Himalayan kitten was discovered to have a cleft palate and twisted back legs. But his caregivers knew they weren’t experienced enough to help him and wanted him to have a chance at life.
Sadly, being born to an overbred cat is likely what caused his defects.
That’s where Stephanie Medrano, who fosters through the Stray Cat Alliance in Southern California, jumped in to help the tiny survivor.
As soon as she laid eyes on him, she knew he was an old soul full of love and a will to fight.
“I thought of his name ‘Grandpa’ as soon as I saw his face,” Stephanie told Love Meow.
Because of his cleft palate, Grandpa needed to be tube fed. Which with neonatal kittens is about every 3 hours, around-the-clock. It’s also a very delicate procedure that one needs to be trained in thoroughly. But to Stephanie’s relief, he ate his meals like a champ and promptly settled into a welcome “food coma”.
At his age, keeping his body temperature is extremely important so the little tyke snuggled into an incubator each day. I know if you fill my belly, tuck me in all warm and snuggly, and I’m falling right asleep!
Each day, Grandpa became stronger and gained the much needed weight that is so detrimental to kittens survival.
Although there’s not much cuter than a miniature kitten that fits into the palm of your hand, peacefully sleeping.
It wasn’t long before he doubled in size and his soft fur began to fluff out like a wild man. The most kissable, grumpy disheveled little man ever that was!
As for his little legs, Stephanie told Love Meow that as he grows, they hope to see improvement there.
“As he gets older we will see if the stretching has helped his legs and will further examine his cleft palate,” Stephanie shared with Love Meow. “He could potentially need splints on his legs to further help them adjust when he is older. And most likely surgery to fix the cleft.”
And “SEE” it they all will, because right around 2 weeks of age, Grandpa peeked open his baby eyes to finally see the world.
Now, the messy haired little grumpster is being doted on by almost 10,000 followers on own Instagram page!
And he’s not even a month old yet!
Meaning some of his “feline” qualities are still in the development stage. Like grooming.
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But with Stephanie and the Stray Cat Alliance supporting him, we’re sure he’ll show his little legs who is boss soon! Can’t wait to see him as an “adult Grandpa” someday. Be sure to follow him for daily cuteness @grandpa.the.kitten.
Thank you to Love Meow for sharing the story of this little tyke with us too. If Grandpa knew how much love he generated, do you think his scowl would fade? LOL <3
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