17th century English clergyman Thomas Fuller once said one of the most famous quotes that we know today. “Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth.” Many of us only remember the first part of that quote, as the latter is typically not included. Obviously, a person who doesn’t believe in ghosts or spirits would never think if a cat could actually sense or see them. But for a person who does, then it’s highly likely for one to think that cats can sense spirits and ghosts.
Cole and Marmalade know a thing or two about “Purranormal Cativity”…
Remember, those kitty senses are far superior to ours…
Your cat’s twitchy whiskers and adorable ears allow them to sense and hear things in which we never could. A cat’s hearing is 5x superior to ours, and those whiskers of theirs are deeply embedded into their face which allows them to detect even the slightest of movements. A draft in the room or a chill in the air might go completely undetected by us humans, but not to your feline friend.
And their vision? It’s been proven that cats can’t see in total darkness, but they can, however, see in low lighting thanks to their eye structure. Scientists have proven that our feline friends are “sensitive to and can perceive UV light.”(As can dogs.)
So, basically that means when your cat appears to be reacting to nothing, they’re actually reacting to something in which you don’t have the ability to see—particularly in low lighting.
The tiny slits and pockets on your cat’s ears give them the ability to pick up even the slightest sound. And the shape of their ears makes those sounds come in magnified—which clearly explains why cats are so easily startled by loud sounds. Or, better yet, fascinated by the tiniest sound…especially one that an unsuspecting human like us doesn’t have the ability to hear.
Cole and Marmalade, or Stranger Felines? You be the judge…
What are some signs that cats can sense spirits and ghosts?
Time and time again, cats do incredible things that astound us. Cats have predicted cancer in their humans, cats have interpreted dangers and spared their humans’ lives, and one cat even served as an angel of death at a nursing home. Oscar the Hospice Cat was responsible for predicting the death of over 60 patients who crossed over to the other side.
Again, if you don’t believe in ghosts or spirits, then you won’t believe the countless stories I’ve heard from cat owners about the strange and unexplainable things that have happened to them. I’ve also heard an old wives tale that if a cat will live comfortably inside your home that this is a telltale sign that the spirits inside your home are good spirits and mean no harm.
Here’s an example for you below, for instance…
There are a few “signs” that paranormal experts believe to be true when it comes to determining when a cat senses or sees something supernatural:
- Strange meowing, particularly in one area of the home
- Their eyes seem to move continuously as if they are following a pattern
- If you happen to hear an unsettling noise, your cat is close by and not seeking out said noise
- Your cat will run around the room frantically, but not in the happy zoom run way. It’s as if they are running away from someone…or something
- Your cat seems particularly unsettled about a certain area of your home and chooses to avoid it
- You notice that your cat seems insistent on searching your home for something, as if they are on a mission to find whatever it is that they are looking for
Here’s an interesting share from one Reddit user when asked if she’s ever seen a ghost or sensed a spirit before. According to her, cats can even be spirits themselves…
Our last house had a ghost cat in it. We have two (live) cats, a black one who is old and can’t jump on anything higher than the couch, and a crazy white cat.
I’d often be working around the house and “see” our black cat at my feet, reach down to pet him and he wasn’t there. After a quick search I’d find him in an entirely different part of the house having a snooze.
For the longest time, I just assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me.
Then one time I was at the kitchen sink, doing dishes, and in my peripheral vision, I see our black cat jump up onto the counter beside me. I even heard the muffled thump when he landed on the counter top and felt a bump on my arm as he headbutted me. He hadn’t been able to jump that high in a couple years so of course I turned to fully look at him and…nothing. No cat, empty counter.
So, the question remains. Do you think that cats can sense spirits and ghosts?
If you have a story of your own to share or a story that you’ve heard, we’d love to hear it.
I believe cats can see spirits. So could my sister Patricia. When we were growing up, our family had several cats over many years. We raised a kitten we called Cool Cat, who grew into a 20 pound monster. We could do anything with him: we kids used to dress him up in old shirts and things 😁.
Years later, when Cool Cat was gone, we had two cats, Shadow and Demon. One day Trish saw Shadow walk into the living room, and suddenly puff up for no apparent reason – until she looked where he was looking, and saw Cool Cat, jumping out of the old chair our cats used to sleep in 😨!! She watched Cool Cat jump out of the chair, and just vanish completely when he landed. Then Shadow unpuffed and went on like nothing had happened.
Nothing… except departed Cool Cat stopping in for a visit 👻😺.
i definately know cats can see or sense spirits. my cat zelda would always stare at one particuar corner in my house and meow contantly at it. it wasnt until i was a bit older and found out about smudging and other light magic occult practises that are meant to protect your home. as soon as i learnt what smudging was i immediately cleansed that part of the house and never again did zelda look at it or meow at it. not only that, she seemed to be calmer and less stressed afterwards. my house is very old, about 60 yrs old so who knows what has gone on in that time
My husband died Jan 11th 2022. Ever since then our torti Maze, short for Mazikeen, will have periods where she’ll stand in the hallway and cry. She’s generally outside the door to the computer room where my husband spent a lot of time. I swear she is calling for him.
I bought a house about 3 years ago and lived alone. Every once in a while, I’d see movement out my peripheral vision. It looked like a white cat tail I’d see disappear downstairs or around a wall corner. Nah. I figured I was seeing things. Weird sounds would happen out of this 1 room in the closet. Bangs, like something dropped or fell to the floor. My dad said it could just be the furnace causing contracting and expanding. OK.
I ended up adopting 2 cats from these folks that couldn’t keep them anymore because I didn’t want to live alone. Ironically they’re brother cats and were born on Halloween so I renamed them Gomez and Fester. There were times I’d be watching TV, both cats laying on me… and those sounds from the bedroom would occur. All 3 of us would stare down the hall towards that room. This 1 corner of my house by the front door… they’d stare up at it. Sitting there, looking up. Sometimes yowling at seemingly nothing.
Then I got a puppy. The puppy would go to that same corner, puff his tail out, stare and growl at the same corner… then bark constantly. One of my cats, Fester, started sitting in the room where the weird sounds came from. He’ll yowl for no apparent reason. And hang out In that room when there was nothing in there of interest to him.
It’s now been 4 years since I’ve had this house. I was outside raking one day and this lady started talking to me. “My, I have to say… the energy of this house is so much better than before. I can tell you’re a good hearted person.. the energy is obvious.” I thanked her, kind of confused why she would randomly say this. “You know… I probably shouldn’t tell you this… but I knew the man who lived here before you. He killed one of his cats in that house. Horrible, horrible person.”
I’m convinced that cat is what I’ve been experiencing in my house. It must be the ghost of that poor cat that once lived here, and my cats and dog can sense or see it. About 4 days later.. I had a vivid dream of being in my house. My cat Fester walked by… and behind him… a white cat. They both looked at me.. and I said to the white cat “… youre not my cat.. ” and woke up.
Ghost cats are 100% legit. I speak outloud occassionally to the ghost cat… I tell it that I don’t mind if it stays and make sure it knows I am kind to my cats.. unlike the previous owner. Just kind of a cool little “extra” thing I live with. ❤️