In most cases, a close family that spans generations is a lovely thing. It’s beautiful to witness and to be a part of. To have your beloved family around you to experience all the joys life has to offer is a blessing. But what if your life isn’t full of happy moments? What if you found your entire family with no place to live; multiple generations now homeless? Thankfully, you have each other. But life is hard enough when you have only yourself to worry about! And that goes for all creatures–human and animal alike.
So when three generations of cats were abandoned together at a local shelter, their futures were questionable to say the least!
It happened in 2019 at the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA in Burlingame, California.
“Two female adult cats and a male kitten were left in our after-hours receiving enclosures. [There was] no information about the trio,” said PHS/SPCA Communications Manager Buffy Martin Tarbox.
But isn’t this what the after-hours drop is for you may ask? Not quite.
PHS/SPCA’s after-hours receiving is a service provided to the community. [It is] to bring lost or found animals to the shelter outside of normal business hours. Animals left in the after-hours receiving enclosures are quickly processed. [And] placed in kennels at the PHS/SPCA’s Coyote Point shelter in San Mateo by PHS/SPCA night-staff.
For example, those who have no other options, can leave discovered animals in this safe location at any time. It’s surely preferred to a cardboard box left on the side of the road–which happens all to often.
Each after-hours enclosure is set up with a blanket and fresh water. People leaving animals are strongly encouraged to fill out paperwork with information about the animals.
But this isn’t so that people who have let their pets breed and decided they didn’t want them anymore can leave them without repercussions.
And this unwanted trio was clearly related and NOT living on the streets.
The seemingly well taken care of feline family further proved they were lacking love and care though.
We believe based on their ages, the two adult cats are probably a mother and daughter. The younger of the adult cats was nursing the male kitten. But the older adult cat helps take care of the kitten too.
None of the cat trio had any tags, nor were they micro-chipped. And whomever brought them to us did not leave any information about the cats. No one came forward to claim them, so they are now available for adoption at our Center for Compassion in Burlingame.
What the organization is doing next though will certainly be in the cats best interests! It’s going to be a difficult undertaking, but they are confident the loving trio will find the perfect human family.
All three of the cats are very attached to each other, so the decision was made that the generations MUST be adopted together.
We often have bonded pairs available for adoption, but it’s extremely rare for us to have a bonded trio. These three cats are all very sociable and outgoing. It’s an opportunity for someone to add three very sweet animals to their family. The adoption fee for the trio is quite a deal too at $120.00.
The staff at the center chose to name the cats after three islands off the west coast of Scotland. Meet Iona, Skye and Harris. Similarly, they are clearly as beautiful as their breathtaking namesakes!
Grandma Skye.
Mama Iona.
And baby Harris.

One of the beaches on South Harris, Outer Hebrides Scotland.This island has many beautiful long beaches.
Please reach out to the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA for any questions on the cats. But just remember one thing if you are the extremely LUCKY human(s) to care for this multi-generational tribe. You’ve been chosen by THREE furbulous felines that have welcomed you into their special clowder. In other words, your purrty special yourself!
“Having somewhere to go is home–Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing.” – Unknown
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