I love cats that come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Really, I don’t discriminate, I just love them all despite their markings, fur length or coat color. (Although I must say, there will always be a special place in my heart for ginger tabbies!) Speaking of which, did you know there are different classifications for tabbies? Not all have solid stripes, actually, and some have stripes which are darker/bolder than others. If you’ve ever wondered what exactly makes a torbie, tortie, calico or tabby cat, we’re here to tell you!
Check out our detailed overview on how to tell the difference between torbies, torties, calico and tabby cat coat colors.
Tortoiseshell Cats
By definition, a tortoiseshell cat is a feline with a coat that resembles the mottled or particolored shell of a tortoise. Similar to calicos, tortoiseshell cats are almost exclusively female. And in the rare instances that a tortoiseshell cat is male, it will typically be sterile as a result. Tortoiseshell markings appear in many different breeds, as well as in non-purebred domestic cats.
For those cat owners who share their home with one of these colorful cats, they often report of their cat’s ““tortitude” with others. A tortie cat is known by many for being a cat with attitude and a distinct personality with a voice all of their own. If you’ve got a tortie, then you know exactly what we mean by tortitude!
A collage of examples of tortie cats:
Since torties are not specific to any particular breed of cat, their overall coloring typically appears brindled. Their appearance is a healthy mix of dark black or chocolate, with shades of red, ginger, or orange mixed in.
Fun tortoiseshell cat fact: In many cultures, tortoiseshell cats are synonymous with good luck. Dating back to Celtic times, tortoiseshell cats have been perceived to bring good fortune into their homes. Even today, the Irish and Scottish believe stray tortoiseshell cats bring them luck. In the United States, tortoiseshells are sometimes referred to as money cats.
For some people (myself included!), it can be slightly difficult to determine the difference between torbie and tortie cat coat color. Here’s something to keep in mind when establishing the difference:
Even on a solid color cat, you can often see stripes on reds and creams. The only way to be sure if you have a tortie or torbie is to ignore any stripes showing in the red or cream areas – just look to see if the black color is solid or has stripes. You may see small white spots, but usually, Torties have a predominance of black and red fur color. A tortie can also have a diluted coat that’s not as bold, but still be considered a tortie by definition.
Cole and Marmalades’ housemates, Jugg and Zig Zag, are both torbies!
What is a tricolor cat? Calicos, tortoiseshells, and torbies all belong to a category of cat colors called tricolor.
Torbie Cats
Of the four type of cat coat colors listed, the torbie cat is most rare. The term “torbie” is short for tortoiseshell-tabby, and they were once referred to as reverse torties. When a cat has tabby stripes but also tortoiseshell markings, this results in what is known as a torbie. They are also called “patched tabbies” since they are a tabby with patches of red or cream.
A collage of examples of torbie cats:
Calico Cats
These predominantly female–as well as usually very loving–cats are rather easy to recognize once you know exactly what to look for: orange, black and white. A calico cat can come in a wide array of coat patterns, and no two really ever look identical. Any cats with large piebald type white, orange, and black patches are calico cats.
Add a tabby pattern into the mix with a calico cat and you have a cat called a caliby! There are also cats that are “diluted” calicos, which have gray rather than black on their coat coloring. (See image below for example.)
Fun calico cat fact: A calico is the official state cat of Maryland!
A collage of examples of calico cats:
Curious why calico cats are almost always female? Well, the truth is in the genes! Here’s how it works:
There is a color gene for orange cat coat color that is noted as O. The O gene can only be carried on the X chromosome. Since a male cat has only one X chromosome, if he carries the orange gene, he is either OY (orange) or oY (some other non-orange color). Female cats have two X chromosomes, which means they can be OO (dominant orange), oo (recessive orange, which results in the cat being some other color), or they can be Oo, which is tricolor. Tricolor contains both dominant and recessive orange genes.
Tabby Cats
By definition, a tabby cat is any domesticated feline that has “a coat featuring distinctive stripes, dots, lines or swirling patterns, always together with a mark resembling an ‘M’ on its forehead. Some tabby kittens are actually born without stripes, and develop them after a few weeks of age. While tabby cats can be male or female, ginger tabbies are almost always male due to their genetic coding.
Cat lovers the world over have had a fondness for these patterned cats for centuries. But what causes these cats to have such a unique coat pattern is quite interesting:
The tabby pattern is a naturally occurring feature that may be related to the coloration of the domestic cat’s direct ancestor, the African wildcat, which—along with the European wildcat and Asiatic wildcat—has a similar coloration. A genetic study found five genetic clusters from tabbies to be ancestral to wildcats of various parts of the world.
A collage of examples of tabby cats:
Tabby cat fact: The English term tabby originates from the translation of the French phrase “striped silk taffeta”, the root of which is tabis, meaning “a rich watered silk.”
Do you have a tortie, torbie, calico or tabby cat in your life? Share your cats coat color with us in the comments section!
Related Story: Rescued Stray Tuxedo Kittens Fur Begins Turning White At A Year Old; And It’s Still Changing 2 Years Later!Related Story: Kittens Rescued From RV Park; Cole and Marmalade Family Fosters Neonates
I have one calico, one ginger tabby, three tabbies, one manx with tabby markings, three tuxedo’s, one black and white (moo cow cat), and one all black with gold eyes. One of the tabbies has black sides with silver swirls that look like cinnamon rolls!
I have a male torbie and I named it Ashli.
I have what I believe to be a torbie..she looks like a tortoise shell, but has a classical tabby look to her sides..almost rosettes. She is black, orange, white and cream..very vocal and very unique.
We are the lucky room mates of both a calico (Wilma) and a striped tabby (Lizzie). The two are biological sisters from the same litter and we lovingly call them our little monsters. They are both very chatty and we can enjoy long talks, especially with Wilma the calico. They greet us at the door when we come home, they always come and/or talk to us when we call their names and every evening they each have a cuddle time before a we can all go to sleep. ???
Enjoyed this article about coat colors.. I have 4 calicos (one is a ragdoll dilute calico) and I also have one solid gray tabby… Love they all…
We currently have 2 grey tabbies, 1 orange tabby, 1 tortie, and 1 calico. The other 3 cats in our group are an orange and white, a black and white, and a seal point Siamese. We do love our kitties!!!
Have loved & owned so many of these beautiful kitties
Over the years.
My last kitty was, I’m told, a muted tortoiseshell. As I understand it, all cats have an under layer and a top layer of fur. Torties have a top layer that’s a darker colour than the under layer – and muted torties have a thicker top layer than non-muted ones, so it’s harder to see the under layer in certain lighting. In photos I have of my Nyssa (RIP), her colouring and patterning changes depending on what the light is like, the position she’s in, etc. Sometimes she’s got more of the brown undercoat showing, while in other shots you see more of the dark grey undercoat…
I LOVE them! What about Siamese Tortie Points? They are pointed like a Siamese but Tri-colored as well. Their coat changes color with age as their “colors come in.” They start out as an ugly-duckling and end up as a beautiful Tortie Point. Incredible color changing cats. My Heart cat was a Tortie Siamese.
This was so interesting and useful! Thank you!
We have one Tabby and one Torbie. Both of them have distinct attitudes. But that simply makes them unique in their own way and i enjoy having them in our lives.
i am lucky enough to have several calicos, torties and torbie kitties. i love them all! i have had a ginger tabby that was female.
Because tabbies have wildcat ancestry, does that make it more prone to biting? I have a year old female tabby and she can be loving 1 minute and suddenly bite me the next. How can I stop this?
I’ve noticed that cats will nip at our skin when ‘grooming’ us the same way they nip at their own fur to pull it up and ‘lay it straight’ while grooming themselves. This you just accept as part of being loved by a cat. Otherwise it can be a play fight action like with another cat, or a ‘I’m temporarily NOT in the mood.’ Just calmly say “No” back off when this happens. Real biting (intended to cause harm, not just playing) means you crossed a line and scared or angered them; don’t do that again, whatever caused it.
Hi my name is Miss Vivian Voloris Davis and I have a stripe,dot, circle gray Tabby.I was walking my dog n I heard a noise.I thought it was a bird are something I looked to the sky n it wasn’t anything n then I looked into a bushes n there was a tiny little thing baby kitten by the size of my hand,palm.So when we meet eye to eye it came to my feet I was kinda curious about picking it up but my dog seems to not mind he was quite happy so I picked it up brought it into my home took a bath n it was fleas free.
I have a brown tabby male, a dilute tortie female, a torbie female and a buff and white bi-color male…. All the loves of my life
We have one of each ! ☺️ We have a gray stripped tabby, a calico who has is predominantly black but with white and orange large patches ( but has the whole fortitude thing?♀️), and we adopted an abandoned young cat last summer who is a torbie.
I have three calicos. The mama is mostly black with orange mixed in and white on her paws and belly. Her two babies are dilute calicos (gray/cream orange/white.) She had another calico baby too, black/orange/white but that one was adopted.
Your comments about the various personalities above are absolutely true. My “tortie girl” has a distinct personality and nothing seems to frighten her. She can be tempermental but when I had my surgeries she was the most loving and loyal of all of my kitty cats. I am fostering kittens and one of them has calico patches. I noticed she does the most purring and although tiny her lovable characteristics are very noticeable. I have 4 tabbies who are great but due to their coloration are extremely difficult to see in the dark. This is something to keep in mind if a person happens to be visually impaired. I’m not but I think the camouflage ability of the tabby cat is something to consider when taking on a new cat. Oh and maybe I should say 5 tabbies because a tortie is technically a tabby too
I have a beautiful grey tabby girl, two years old. Her stripes are very defined and very dark almost black while her body is silver grey tabby. A dark black line runs on the top of her spine from neck to base of tail. Her belly is like greyish yellow, hard to define.She is a real beauty and is my pride and joy
We share our home with a torbie (my husbands princess ?), a tuxedo and a pitch black house panther.
We have a lovely polydactl girl we adopted 8 years ago. She was a severely depressed 3 year old who had spent at least 18 months in shelters! Don’t know why, as she is sweet, smart and sassy, and we wouldn’t Trade Della Rella , who is mostly black with one primarily gold/red foot, for love or money! She is our second Tortie, after years of mostly Siamese. Our vet says Torties are the “redheads” of the cat world, and we can vouch for the temperment! She and our Siamese, Qwerty, don’t care much for each other, but we have arranged our household around them to avoid confilct, of course!
We have a black tabby with calico features. And some diluted. And we have a couple of new ones that resemble the mean gremlins stripe ( mohawkish) hair style. Very cute. If you live around Borger, tx message me if anyone us interested in kittens. We have a rainbow of colors.
We have a tortoise-point Himalayan. Because she is mostly white, it really only shows up on her face, which is gray and orange around her muzzle and gives her a slightly sneering look.
I have a tortie and tortico (tortie with a small white patch on chest)
I have 2 tabby males. Minion (grey, black and a little brown, tabby) and Simba (ginger tabby). They are brothers but not biologically. They definitely have different personalities. Minion is my curious one and also chewer And Simba is my scaredy cat. They are my fur babies.
What a clear and concise explanation of coat colors. We have a wonderful, intelligent, friendly, loving, energetic, handsome and did I say smart and witty Orange Tabby, Timmy! The other boring cats are a Bi-Color with a too pushy personality, a big old Blue, a House Panfur, a Pure Breed American Bob-Tail Rumpy and a cute but a bit standoffish Gray Tabby. It is amazing how different our personalities are that is something that makes the Cat such a wonderful house partner
Well… What a clear and concise explanation of coat colors. We have a wonderful, intelligent, friendly, loving, energetic, handsome and did I say smart and witty Orange Tabby, Timmy! The other boring cats are a Bi-Color with a too pushy personality, a big old Blue, a House Panfur, a Pure Breed American Bob-Tail Rumpy and a cute but a bit standoffish Gray Tabby. It is amazing how different our personalities are that is something that makes the Cat such a wonderful house partner
I have a beautiful torby girl (Willow), who has the softest fur ever! Somewhat muted colors. She definitely has “tortitude”! She thinks she’s the queen of the other cats, but is also very loving. One of our males is a gorgeous, and huge, tabby. He’s a complete dork! Also lovey.
Actually orange tabby females aren’t super-rare. One in every four or five orange kittens is female.
You are correct —but what you didn’t say is female ginger orange tabbies are
We share our home with a tortoiseshell and a calico. What fun these kitties are!
I have a a orange tabby, a tortie and a torbie as well as two black cats.
I have a champagne tabby and a tortie. I also had a beautiful tuxedo cat that passed away in March.
I have a Tortico and Tuxeco/Calico.
Torties with white should be called Tortico. Mine has the patterns of grey, black and brown/orange on her back. Her face has some white but mainly underneath on her belly and her neck area she has white.
Torticos need to be added into this.
My calico has a tuxedo head.
My friend has a Torbieco. She is a mix of Tortie/Calico/Tabby coat.
I have a torbieco also Molly what an amazing cat
I have a tortie (F, Mocha), orange tabby (M, Loki), and a calico (F, Callie). I can say that all live up to their descriptions!! Especially my mocha with all her tortitude.
Grey tabby
Grey marbled tabby
Seal point rag doll
Dilute tortie
Orange tabby
I have sister kitties, one is a dilute calico and the other a dilute tortillas. Such a beautiful pair!
I have two torties. They have tortitude. They’re names are Stars and Stripes. The also have vocal chords that do not close all the way so the have breathy meows.
<3 ♡ So I have a mini Noah's Ark lol.
I have two brown mackeral tortoiseshell tabbies (AKA 'torbies') and two tortoiseshell with white (AKA 'calico').
All 4 have different personalities. <3
I also have two all orange ('red') mackeral tabbies: 1 female, 1 male, and two orange and white tabbies, 1 marble/classic tabby pattern female, 1 mackeral tabby pattern male.
I have two orange foster cats and one is not buff, but lighter, no white, and is female, and a mackeral tabby male.
In the past I also had two orange/white famale fosters.
Two of my friends have had orange tabby females. Another friend had an orange/white male and female.
My uncle had an orange tabby and buff/cream tabby, both female.
We had a neighor's cat who used to visit, buff, female.
So, not to burst bubbles, but orange females don't seem super rare lol. They are beautiful though, and orange/red/cream has so many shades.
I had a cat that I thought was tabby when he was born, but as he grew, the stripes turned into circles. What is that all about?
I understand tortitude very well … sometimes she acts like a 2-year-old; other times she’s such a diva!!
We share our home with a tortie, who actually picked us. We were at a shelter looking for a dog(we’re dog people) she was making such a fuss. In the cat enclosure, that we just went in to say hi. The next day we went back to look at a puppy. The cat saw us again, did the same thing. A couple different ladies working there said she hasn’t been out of the treehouse, except to eat and drink until you guys walk in. I’ve never been a cat person, but this little girl stole my heart. She is very loving and vocal, speaks her mind during any conversation we’re having. Greets each us when we come in the afternoon and always is either with my husband and I or our 17 year old son, who is her favorite. They say these cats are good luck or money cats, we were lucky to have found her and wouldn’t take a million bucks for her. ♥️ Wish I could post a pic show how beautiful she is.
I am the proud property of 16 cats and kittens. Almost all are rescues. I have flame points, tabbies (including one large finger polydactyl), torties, torbies, calibies, and one terribly spoiled (more spoiled than the others) black & white tuxedo. All talk to me to one degree or another and remind me daily that they are glad to be with me and each other.
I have aTorbie that is a foster. She has all the tabby lines on the face and forhead, but her body is a rich but dilute mix of the grey’s, reds,orange , brown and a little cream that look like watercolors that ran together
Got a Dilute Calico with plenty of torditude, she also has Chimera in her with half ginger and half grey, she is a 6yr old spoilt beauty
I have 5 cats. One female ginger cat, one grey and white, one grey, white and black tabby, one mostly white with calico head and tali and one I would consider a tortoise shell with 3 white feet and one black, also a white chest. They’re all spoiled.
I’m trying to figure out which one my miss Missy is :p she’s black and white spotted she looks like an itty bitty cow ? I kinda thought maybe a tuxedo, or a calico. Here’s a picture: https://imgur.com/a/psKjzYM
My Penny has gray/tan/brown tortoishell on her back, white/tan on her paws and a gorgeous calico belly with big blobs of colors.
We have one solid white male, one solid black male, one brown Tabby female and one orange tabby female (yes, I have a rare female orange tabby)! Looking to complete my tribe soon with a calico♥️?
My BIG guy is a tiger tabby-no spots. Black gray and white-very handsome! A real heart throbber and a loverboy who recieves limitless pampering! Lol. The princess is a gorgeous, dark torte. Looks like a rich cup of coffee hence, her name, Sumatra. She has a gold stripe down her face that looks like a falling star-very fitting for her stardom of sassy tortitude!
I have 2 tortishell cats. They are sisters and adopted me! They just showed up at my house one day. I’m assuming someone dumped them. The one is quite aggressive while the other is very loving and she purrs when I give them food Their names are Brindle and BonBon. Brindle is the aggressive one. BonBon just had a litter of 2 babies, both of them are ginger tabbies, so I assume they are male. I had never seen cats with coats like this nor had I ever heard of it. I’m very fortunate indeed that they chose me to be their adoptive mommy
I have 2 cats one Tortoise Shell, which she has a White Shirt with Toxedo coat also bowtie, her dad has nicknamed her Penguin. The other is a Silver Tabby male, The Tortoise Shell is named Sapphire, an she does have her own special ways of communication, also an attitude. The Tabby is called Lemmy an he also has an attitude, both are 2 yrs old an I love my babies to bits both of them.??
I’m not sure if we have a tortie or a calico cat. She is definitely muted. She is lighter brown with muted orange, grey and brown with white under her chin, belly, and feet. I think she is tortie with white.
I have a dilute orange female. My vet said she will have the personality of a calico cat because of being dilute orange.
I have a longhair dilute mackerel torbie. What a handful! Also a melanistic DSH and a longhair cow cat. Lots of brushing.
I have two torties
Interesting cats, and so different in caracter 😁
Older one is so calmed, I don’t even no that I have it, but younger one, OMG, totally different, she is everywhere, doesn’t have fear of anything and I KNOW she is there 😂😂😂
Always 🤣🤣🤣
What about Tabicos?
Ive had a marmalade, 2 dilute torties, one more blue and the other shell coloured, a dilute peach and cream tabbie and now have two calicos and what I think is a little torie
I have what I THOUGHT was a calico, but found out in this article that she’s a diluted caliby. Her coloring is amazing. Orange, white & gray, with perfectly round black spots on the gray patches on her sides & gray/black tabby stripes on her legs. I got her with 5 one day old kittens. One is a caliby like her, 2 are nearly all white with black/orange around ears & gray/black tabby stripes on their tail & legs, 1 is a blotchy tabby that is starting to look like she’ll color in to be a torbie & 1 male cream patchy tabby. I’m really glad I took this little family in!
.there is no such thing as a tortoise point. The “points” refer to their ears. Tortoise or tortoise shell refers to their coats.
I have 2 new cats under a year after losing my last 2 to age (21yrs old!) I now have a male orange tabby named Cheeto and a female torbie named Sparkle, both rescues. I ‘ve never had these colorations in cats before, so i haven’t seen the tortitude yet in the female. She is such a sweety pie. …. so far.
I know this is really late (I usually am late though lol) but my mom and I just rescued two cats from a horrible situation. One is definitely calico and her kitten, which Im confused about, has gray striped patterns on her back and tail, on an all white body but also splashes of cream on her under belly and the underside of her tail. She also has gorgeous green eyes! Im wondering if she’d be considered a caliby, or a calico? Her cream colored spots aren’t visible except for one very small circular patch on her right front leg, which consists of the gray and cream colors. Other then that patch, she’s white on her legs, belly, and chest. Then in comes the striped light gray color from her mid section to her back, with some on her face white is predominantly on her face though. Any suggestions on breed? Mind you she’s coming from a calico mommy, no clue as to what dad was. TIA!
This may be the best, most informative article I have yet found on this topic! Compliments to all involved 🙂
I am an animal rescuer and have seen so many variations in cat coats – also a few “quirks” seemingly perpetuated through the calicos, they are Supermums! One pregnant rescue gave birth to 7 kittens for her 1st litter, escaped through an unsecured door while feeding the following week and returned 2 hours later with another kitten.
I have a torbie, a short hair gray tabby and a long hair black manx.
My Buddy Cat was a gray striped tabby, my Marble is a tortie, and my Midnight was a mini panther like Cole. I miss having three cats. Marble is the only one I have left; both Buddy and Midnight crossed the rainbow bridge in 2021.
I have one very large Mackerel Tabby – predominently brown, with lovely black stripe patterns, just fringes of gold fur, with white feet, bib, and belly. She is a bit “chubby”, totally arrogant, and totally fits her name, Foxy Lady!
Just adopted two feral kittens (6.5 weeks) one (boy) is a grey/black tabby and the other is either a torbie or a caliby. Not sure yet, but mother was calico with father unknown. Her colors are tortoiseshell on back, orange tabby and white on feet and head more like the calico patchwork, so she has grey, black, white, dark orange, light orange. She is fiesty so far.
throughout my life I have had a: diluted calico, a gray tabby, an orange tabby, and currently a beautiful Torbie
Side note: I’ve also had a tuxedo with a white off center ! on his nose! Wish I could upload pics of all my beautiful cats!
You forgot about Calibys (calico tabbies)!
Tabicos too, it’s what Calypso is
We just adopted a beautiful little girl Mira, she is torti in the back and tabby tuxedo in the front. If you take a pic of her from the back she’s totally different from the front 😆 we love her. I believe based on this article that she is definitely a torbi.
I just took in 2 kittens that my niece found in a box on the side of her house, a brother and sister I assume since they were together. I have a vet appointment the end of the month for them but I’m curious as to what kind of cat they are. The girl, Christmas Clara looks to be a diluted calico. She is long hair and tri color white grey and orange, but I do not know what the boy, July Drosselmayer is. He is mostly white white an orange patch on his back and his ears are orange.
We have a seal point torbie mitted ragdoll.. gorgeous!
I have a beautiful Tortie and just found out that the baby Siamese I got in June ’23 (named Juniper), is actually a tortie point siamese .
We adopted a mid-life tortie/calico named Aria from a local shelter.
She is so different from the other cats we’ve had (including an orange tabby, a tuxedo, a calico Maine coon,etc.).
We’ve learned to appreciate her tortitude, while loving her affectionate nature.
Both extremely independent and fixated on us, feisty and sweet.
Also, she is the only cat we’ve ever had who has NO interest in going outside!
I have 2 torbie (one short haired and one mane coon), 1 tortishell, 4 grey tabby (one could be a torbie due to a few faint orange spots on his neck and legs), 2 orange tabby (one is a girl), 1 grey/blue tuxedo who has faint stripes in her coat that were more prominent as a kitten…… and it’s wild every day in this house 😂
I have two dilute torbie girls, Dulce and Canela. They are lite gray, tabby stripe tails and orange sprinkled through their coat.
We take in a lot of strays & throwaways, so we currently have a lot (10). Most aren’t in any kind of breed, as typical for cats.
– Johnny (11yo; M) short hair silver tabby with an orange/tan undercoat; hazel eyes (Special note: largest male of our colony at 18lbs)
– Karen (8yo; F) short hair white with gray patches; blue eyes (Special note: the gray patch that’s on her head looks like the Karen hair cut)
– Smoky (5yo; F) long hair solid gray; blue/gray eyes (Special note: declawed before she came to us)
– Loki (3yo; F) Siberian Forest Cat/Ragdoll; long hair white with gray patches; green eyes (Special note: largest cat of our colony at 20lbs & still growing as the larger breeds don’t hit full growth until age 5)
– Dixie (3yo; F; twin 1) long hair silver torbie with the cutest streak of orange down her sides; green eyes
– Trixie (3yo; F; twin 2) long hair silver torbie whose orange is more mixed in; gold eyes (of special note; Dixie & Trixie shared a placenta)
– Mismatch (almost 2yo; F) short hair that looks like someone took the left over fur from making a silver tabby and a ginger tabby and patched them together; white tuxedo & front toes; green eyes (Special Note: estimated birthday is first week of July, making her a Boom Baby)
These were Trixie’s last litter after she joined our household (and got fixed). They have just had their first birthday about two weeks ago.
— Bageera (M) solid black that’s been fading in patches to a chocolate revealing a previously hidden tabby pattern; gold eyes (special note: born breech at 4:04am)
— Glitch (F) black tortie whose orange and tan is speckled rather than streak; gold/green eyes
— Bluescreen (F) long hair silver tabby; blue eyes (special note: smallest of our cats at only 5lbs)
I have what I think is considered a tortie but she has a patch of orange on the top of her head and her right flank is orange striped. Other wise she is total tortie with a little mark of whit on her tail.
I have a caliby (another word I have heard is patched tabby). I found Kotoha almost 8 years ago as an abandoned feral kitten and bottle fed her until she could eat on her own. She has both gray and gold tabby and some white. I just realized that since it is after midnight it’s actually her 8th birthday
Our kitten has FIP. We have learned so much about it having never come across it before. Please read up about it if you are thinking of buying a kitten because it is a killer. Our kitten is now on the 84 day medication and after just three days we can see a marked difference, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for a full recovery.
I always thought my cat with a tabby, but she has a lot of orange coming through with her brown and black markings. Very unique.