Don’t let their faces fool you, these 2 exotic short-haired kittens were actually happy to be rescued. The siblings were dumped at a farm in Spring Hill, Florida. There were 2 more litter mates that disappeared before a caring cat man could catch them. What he didn’t know was that these were two very unhappy “ringworm kittens”.
But for this little girl and boy, their lives were about to change.
The duo were originally taken to a rescue organization in Sarasota. But when they arrived, it was discovered they both had ear infections, upper respiratory issues and ringworm.
…The dreaded and very contagious ringworm!
Felines suffering from ringworm need to be isolated from others as it can be transferred to animals AND humans.
Sadly, the shelter did not have the space to care for ringworm kittens.
One woman did though. St. Francis Society Animal Rescuer, Andrea Budkis Christian, is the most experienced “ringworm” fosterer of the group.
Knowing exactly what goes into curing the virus, her home is filled with ringworm kittens on the mend.
She agreed to take these 2 before even seeing them! Andrea officially named them Boris and Bertha.
Boris was easily named after actor Boris Karloff, a nod to their clearly shared, “cheery” demeanor!
Welcoming the homely looking kittens into her home, the two quickly proved sweeter than their faces let on.
It took a few days for them to realize they no longer had to fear humans.
No one will ever know why someone dumped these gorgeous kittens or what they went through. It’s likely they simply didn’t want to deal with the painstaking attention ringworm requires.
But with Andrea’s big heart, they’d soon know they were cherished.
The “purrsonalities” on them both began to shine and were over-the-top cute.
During their isolation period, their expressive faces brought humor to Andrea’s creative Facebook posts.
“Why have you let a little ringworm come between us and you Nice Lady?” Boris and Bertha refuse to read the literature I gave them about ringworm exposure and treatment.”
Andrea couldn’t refuse wrapping them in a robe and safely snuggling them though. She certainly wouldn’t let ringworm stop her from showing them love.
They had been estimated to be around 3 months old, but both were SO small!
Although Bertha may not have been happy about being on a scale, measuring weight is very important for growing kittens.
Over the next few weeks, Boris and Bertha learned to love the indoor life.
Little did they know, someday that wouldn’t include isolation and Lime Dip treatments!
Nothing stopped the cuties from finally acting like silly kittens should.
“Boris is rolling around in his cage on his back playing with a sun shadow and purring. Goofy.”
Andrea is the purrfect foster mom and is happy to accept her fate as an ameowzing “crazy cat lady”.
For Halloween, she even made a special cookie for Boris.
It may not have brought a smile to his face, but it sure did to ours!
Once the kittens were let out of their “cage life”, Bertha quickly found kitty-shenanigans to engage in.
“Being that Halloween is upon us, Bertha tried to make a last minute mummy costume for herself. FAIL BERTHA…….fail.”
She was sure to make up for her exploits by welcoming lap snuggles and cuddles.
By the middle of November, the snow white kittens were quickly winning the hearts of Andrea’s Instagram and Facebook friends.
Happily sharing the kittens silliness, Boris and Bertha were becoming quite the photogenic pair.
“Boris is twinning today. As his personality is developing, we are seeing signs of him becoming quite the little art aficionados.”
Bertha was just as cute as could be and truly grew into a sweet cat.
On November 21st, a wonderful surprise was in store for Boris.
He was adopted into a loving home by two amazing cat purrents!
“BORIS! I miss him already. This young handsome kitten wiggled his way into our hearts with his silly antics and grumpy face. Now he has found an amazing Forever Family. I could not have wished for a better home for him.”
Bertha also has 2 potential adopters applying for her heart.
Unfortunately she is battling her eye infections still. So she’ll remain under Andrea’s watchful eyes a bit longer until healed completely.
These two little ringworm kittens with the deceivingly depressive faces, proved without a doubt, they were worth fighting for.
Without the dedicated attention from Andrea and the St. Francis Society Animal Rescue, they likely wouldn’t be alive today.
Please follow the St. Francis Facebook page for all the amazing stories of animals rescued every day.
Animals like Boris and Bertha.
“Another man’s trash, is this rescue’s treasure.”
Related Story: Cat Man Chris Rescues Tiny Tortie From Busy Highway As Traffic Flies By!
Boris is a great name for him. Not just the facial similarities. It is those Karloff eyes!
God bless Andrea for what she does. Good luck to Boris and Bertha in their forever homes.
I wish they would have been adopted together.
Hi my name is Butch, I love reading this chat stories. I’m a big animal lover cats dogs Ducks Birds anything of that nature. I do have a wonderful story of a cat that followed me during vacation in Oklahoma would love to share it with your readers one day unfortunately work calls me at the moment. Keep up the good work it’s heartwarming and restores faith in society in my eyes.
Stories like this, make my heart sing
They are Gorgeous
I kind of wished they could have been adopted together
But so happy, these Darlings have forever loving homes
I have to ask, did anyone save and rescue the other two siblings that got scared and ran (set traps or go back and find them?)
Thank you
I am proud to admit, I am a crazy cat lady lol
They just find me ….. I care for Feral and abandoned cats also
Plus I have 3 inside, one that I am trying to find him, his forever loving home
Blessings and Hugs