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Rescuers with the Ontario Feral Cat Project (OFPC) in Ontario, Oregon, received a disturbing phone call in early September 2018. 

A resident at a trailer park informed them that feral cats were being poisoned at the property. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

Upon investigation, it was found that the manager of the park had been directed by the owner to “get rid of the cats!” 

When they arrived, there were no traps set or signs of cats who’d lost their lives.

Numerous tenants confirmed however, they’d seen the deceased cats. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

The OFPC immediately began trapping efforts to save the remaining felines. 

They were rushed to catch all they could before the landlord returned the following day.

The police were contacted, but couldn’t do anything to help until the ordinance officer was available, also the next day.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

In total they saved 20 cats and kittens from a painful death over the next few days.

Scary to think, the volunteers also pointed out a terrifying fact. 

“14 of them were females! What a huge population explosion there would have been next spring!”

Because they were all feral cats, every one of them needed some veterinary attention. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

OFCP makes sure that all cats they encounter are spayed or neutered and vaccinated.

They are also treated for parasites upon arriving.

These all must be done and clear before they can be considered for adoption or fostering. 

They would also have to be socialized.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

With feral felines, this can be a very slow process requiring much patience.

It’s not guaranteed to work with every cat either.

Ontario Feral Cat volunteers were up to the challenge though. They know what large rescue efforts entail. 

Back in 2015, the organization took in over 70 cats that were found abandoned on a small bus! 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

It took more than six months to fix, treat and find homes for all those animals.

They are a no-kill, non-profit organization operated by donations and volunteers and limited space. 

So it is a huge strain on resources, both financial and particularly volunteers. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

And they are the ONLY cat shelter in the area.

When an emergency like this occurs, it challenges OFCP’s very dedicated and generous supporters to the limit. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

Still, nothing would stop them from ending the suffering occurring at the trailer park.

The cats rescued would be housed at The Constance McCullough House

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

This is a shelter building for the project, which can comfortably house 20 cats. 

It was already over capacity when this occurred, pushing the total to 53 cats at one point!

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

The “Trailer Park Cats” were feral, but couldn’t be returned to their outdoor home.

Sadly, they had to be temporarily housed in one room to limit any contagions. 

Originally, there were several per cage.

Thankfully, that pressure was eased with a gift of three huge cages.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

As expected, most of the cats were very frightened when they first came in. 

It quickly became apparent that some were tamer than others. 

Photos courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

The three most feral were re-homed to a farm.

Rescuers gladly reported they seemed very happy with the move. 

Unfortunately, any time neglected animals are in such close quarters, issues arise.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

As a result, it can cause enormous stress which shows up as illness.

OFCP had to treat for upper respiratory infections, digestive problems and other issues. 

Still, adoption goals were set and volunteers began opening their hearts to the deserving cats.

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

With the care and handling of gentle humans, most of them slowly began to trust their new caregivers. 

“Most of them are VERY frightened. Hopefully with a little time they will realize they are safe and don’t have to fight for their lives anymore.”

“A couple aren’t hiding from us, like this brave little sweetie. But we are trying to give them their space and let them acclimate to their temporary surroundings.”


The ordinance officer is currently working on the case.

OFCP are hopeful they’ll be able to press criminal charges.

“Animal abuse in the first degree is a Class A Misdemeanor, pretty sad, but we will be pressing whatever charges we can, for those we couldn’t save.”[0]=68.ARBndQD6uRlvE3sBZ-A3pGLRvJTbQGQkAV39CF-lAZiEycybhTbtgm8oBEhsoe3tkTOMrZQLd4-e4vyWn8O4Nte97zN8P7Jy-3i022ek4ND4Jae6KF_IPGZ8Ss9iG3uBsCY2n4LsOlvjSnSLEB-4MPGfjKKOVVXAntsoraIcPgiR_XOzNVTIJGJyvuTot5ODCfCSzJ8kI59kLTLoos380LcLMmsm7RSWE4eIEr23TW_kixtpkC0xZ1_lrFtAIlpTAwwQ52I91QYd_a7NqG_7U-z-WCQziIMLVbrGv-DPUCq3SP-TXhwKrRGB2U4wWPQkVaR9HvxE&__tn__=FFHHH-R

October came and the cats really began coming around to their human servants. 

Each day they were becoming braver and braver. 

We can only imagine exactly what they’d been through before the life-saving call was made. 

That is one of the reasons socializing feral cats can be so rewarding. You are literally teaching them what unconditional love is.

One of the favorites is a cute-cross eyed boy. 

Check out his little adorable face! 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

He doesn’t have an official name, but hopefully after this photo shoot he’ll have a furever family soon! 


Another boy with a “supurr” personality winning volunteers over is Oliver. 

“We have very cramped quarters in the trailer park kitties room. Tonight this little character kept tapping me on the shoulder while I was getting pictures of the kitty across from him.”

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

“I would turn around and these were the looks I would get!!
That face though….. ❤️”

Please follow Ontario Feral Cat Projects on Facebook to watch these lovely cats continue to blossom. 

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

If you are interested in helping their cause by donating or purchasing items for them from their wish list, please visit their website HERE.


Related Story: Chicago’s Inspiring 13-Year-Old “Cat Lady” Spends Her Time Fostering Neonatal and Feral Kittens; Never Gives Up Despite Heartache

Related Video (With Cat Man Chris & Jackson Galaxy): How To Trap Feral Cats – TNR – #FeralCatDay

Photo courtesy of Ontario Feral Cat Project

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