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An orange tabby cat named Leo went missing one day from his family home in Brampton, Ontario.

Sherri Oakley and her family were hosting a party in 2013 when one of the guests mistakenly let the cat out. Normally staying in the yard under close watch, the now unsupervised cat likely became spooked during the large gathering and ran. Searches for Leo sadly ended unsuccessfully and the family was devastated.

Having adopted Leo from a shelter when her son was only 10 years old, Leo was more than a pet, he was family. 

Leo was micro-chipped, but unless someone found the ginger wanderer and brought him to a shelter or local animal control, his whereabouts would remain unknown. Multiple trips to the surrounding shelters yielded no results.


Five long, grieving years went by and the family reluctantly accepted that he was lost to them forever. The reminders of his presence were donated as his toys, bedding and food only served to re-break their hearts.

Then there was a knock at the door.

Brampton Animal Services officer Meredith Edney had a shocking question for her.

“Are you missing a cat?”, she asked. Next to her was a small crate with a slightly scraggly orange tabby.

Leo had been found!

A call had come into Animal Services on June 23rd regarding a stray cat walking down the street. He was discovered just a few streets over from the family home! The feline had a minor eye infection and a few new scars but other that that, seemed healthy.



He had a generic collar around his neck; not something he had originally been lost wearing. Apparently taken in by another family in the area, he may have never been brought to the vet for any checkups. Common practices are that found animals are scanned for microchips. But if he was examined by a veterinarian, the family caring for him never mentioned he was found on the streets.

Thankfully Officer Edney had scanned for the chip, happily finding a match to the Oakley household. Nervous but hopeful that Leo had a family that loved and wanted him, she was relieved to find he would be welcomed back to the home with open arms. She had no idea that he had been missing for 5 years and her visit was the answer to their prayers.

When Leo was brought into the house, he immediately sauntered around like not a day had gone by.

Fortunately Officer Edney had some cat food in her truck to give to Leo until the family could restock the kitty necessities.

Leo is now back home where he belongs with a grateful family who will cherish everyday they have together.

Happily his story has spread throughout newscasts and reporters are all to willing to share this furry-tail ending, reminding pet owners just what micro-chipping can do for our missing four-legged family members.

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