As avid cat lover and rescuer Jennifer Quinn Yovino recently reminded us, “you just never know what the day will bring”. A recent day for Jennifer turned into the unexpected when after lunch, she and her husband Jim were walking through the alley behind their office in downtown Fresno, CA and heard a tiny cry.
At first she thought it may have been a bird but pausing to investigate further, she did what most of us do when we hear an odd animal noise…we repeat it back and listen for a response =) She called out, listened closely and low and behold, received a puny meow in return! Tracking the desperate cry, they discovered it coming from a dumpster behind a locked solid metal gate. Jim “boosted” Jennifer to peer over the gate but they couldn’t visually see the needy kitten who was buried in the trash.
The duo quickly gathered the necessary supplies; ladders, padlock keys, hammers and additional rescuers. The gate was opened and the team found water and a sandwich that had been mysteriously laid out for the kitten. Jennifer cautiously entered the enclosure in an attempted rescue when a pint-sized orange fluff ball ran out of the area, into the alleyway and directly under a moving van!
Miraculously, the van saw the darting kitten and was able to stop in time before any tragedy befell the frightened feline. However, to the teams horror, the kitten made a beeline for the engine compartment and climbed straight up into the danger zone! The vans occupants promptly turned off the vehicle and joined in the rescue. Thankfully when the hood was lifted the kitten was easily removed from the perilous environment and finally in safe hands.
The now secure kitten was wrapped in a t-shirt and immediately began purring, undeniably loving the head rubs he was happily receiving <3
He was taken in by a compassionate foster care-giver, “Auntie LuAnn” who showered the ginger kitty with lots of snuggles, as well as flea and worm treatments. The next day he received his first bath to wash off his difficult past and head into the future with a clean slate. The fur-baby was named “Fulton” for the street he was caught on.
Unfortunately Fulton had to have the very tip of his tail amputated due to an injury that wouldn’t heal. He is currently a resident at the Cat House On The Kings (CHOTK) sanctuary in Parlier, CA awaiting his fur-ever home!
Fulton is a male, orange tabby approximately 4 months old and is blossoming in life! The staff and volunteers at CHOTK say he can’t resist playtime and has the warm and sunny personality to match his deep-gold fur. Gentle even when playing the rowdiest games, he never uses claws which makes it no wonder he gets along with the other cats…and dogs! They just know he’ll make the purrfect addition to any family and bring lots of affection to the lucky home that takes him in. Purrlease check out Fulton’s page if you are interested in adopting him =)
Thank you again to Jim and Jennifer Yovino, the team of Armando, Francisco, Joe, Jake, Brian and Steve for the daring and dedicated rescue efforts and not giving up. Thank you to fosters like Auntie LuAnne for showing Fulton the world’s softer side. Jennifer acknowledges this would not have been completed successfully without the advice of Harvie Schreiber and Tammy Barker-Noell’s acceptance of the down-and-out kitten into the Cat House On The Kings rescue organization.
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