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I’ve often wondered if Cole & Marmalade are little aliens hiding inside the body of a cat, spying on humans for their alien friends in space. Are they reporting back to their alien overlords when chattering to nothing?

There’s no denying that cats can act VERY weird at times!
Whether they’re hiding in dumpsters, sleeping on pizza boxes instead of the expensive cat bed you purchased or just staring at you for extended periods of time studying your behavior…there’s no denying they’re up to something!
Then recently I saw this pic on Facebook…

…and knew that I had to make this video!
Here are the 8 Signs Your Cat is an Alien…see them in action!
1. They seem very interested in tasting you!
2. Can change from a solid to a liquid state.
3. Look uncomfortable in their own skin.
4. Always watching you with those freaky eyes!
(You’ve seen them blinking a third eyelid too!)
5. They study human technology.
6. Investigate water and its properties.
7. Looks like they’re communicating telepathically.
8. Try and imitate spacemen.
I’m sure you can add more to this list?! ~ Stay safe out there humans! Let us know if there is something a bit odd about your feline overlord in the comments. Purrhaps if enough of us speak of the signs, we can piece together their true desires? Do they want to take over the world? But maybe they just get bored and silly?
Either way, we wouldn’t have it any other way and love them for it even more!!!
Related Story: Hilarious Insights Into Foster Cat & Kittens Silly Faces, Goofy Antics & Deep Thoughts, Shared By Their Human Servants
Related Story: Successful Adoptions After Austin Shelter Pet Names Go Viral; But Cats Like “Atomic Toaster” Are Still Available!

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Haha hilarious. I love when cats squish themselves into small spaces like yours did in the purse. Great video.
Thanks! 🙂
Hey Chris, any plans of doing a video to dispel the many myths and misconceptions about cat nutrition? People saw so many times on TV and films cat being fed milk, raw fish or tuna that it has became their first choice when feeding either their own cats or strays, there’s even people that believe a cat can live off on dry food alone, when in reality, all these in excess can be prejudicial to cats.
I noticed that the purse had the flag of the United kingdom on it
I noticed that the purse had a flag of the United kingdom on it
Yep, I’m British 🙂
That was cute
That is cute
Cole & marmalade reminde me of the two cats I have spooky and bear.
Tanks for sharing this video.. Love it
You’re welcome 🙂
I have a cat Finley. He’s a lot !like Marm. He’s a bad boy with the sweetest heart. I posted his picture on the cat house on the kings and my E-mail blew up. Over 6,000+ people shared and liked his photo. Look out Marm!
Great name! 🙂
And their ears are like radar receivers! They are constantly moving them around, flattening them like landing gear or pulling them back. I think they can fly when we are not watching.…
Love the blog and videos! Keep them coming! ?
Aliens or not cats are amazing, incredible, beautiful, mysterious, healing, loving (enough adjectives?), creatures. Cole & Marm feel like family! Keep in coming, I look forward to seeing what the boys are up to every day. Their humans are pretty pawsome as well
My cat hides when I am trying to take a video or photo of her((( You have great cats!
my sisters cat must be one then :-0
I am convinced this is true, they are reporting to Lil Bub