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If you’re reading this, chances are you are a totally dedicated cat owner. And why wouldn’t you be? Cats are totally amazing and so easy to love, spoil, and adore. We know that most of us have yet to achieve our dream career of being full-time stay-at-home cat moms and dads. So, off to work we go each day to give our cats the best life possible. Until that day when we can be home with them…if only we could all win the cat lottery!

Most of us spend as much of our times with our cats as we can. Because being with them is what makes us happiest, right?

If I were to ask you on average, how much time do you think you dedicate each year to spending with your cat, do you think you’d compare to other modern day cat owners out there? Well, a recent study has uncovered that the average modern day cat owner spends roughly 1,016 hours a year with their feline. In a quick breakdown for those polled in the study, that comes out to nearly 20 hours purr week dedicated to exclusively kickin’ it back with your feline friend. That’s dedication if you ask me!

Check out a fun breakdown of stats from the study on modern day cat owners courtesy of New York Post…

I mean, really, who better to spend time with? Cats might make you earn their love, but once they’ve chosen to trust and accept you, they’re yours furever without question. I know I can’t say that about most people!

The survey polled 1,000 participants, and found that not only did these cat owners purrfer to pass the time with their feline friends. But also that they snap an average of 7 pics purr day of their cats. And when it comes to those photos? Well, 41% said that they have a framed photo of their feline friend in their home. And, it should come as no surprise, that 84% of cat owners polled consider their feline as a family member—with many buying gifts on a routine basis for their lucky kitty.

Lauren May, associate director, Clorox Pet Products said in a statement:

Millions of cats enter shelters each year yet less than half get adopted. We understand how rewarding it is to have cats in our lives which is why Fresh Step is on a mission to help every shelter cat find a forever home. Through shelter partnership programs, we have donated millions of dollars and more than six million scoops of litter to help shelter cats get adopted.

What did you think of the results in this modern day cat owners study? And if you ask me, every day is National Cat Day in my home!


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