Rescuers in San Diego pulled eight neonate kittens from a high-kill shelter in Los Angeles. Among them was a kitten tentatively called Gray and her three fuzzy siblings. In one day, the small rescue doubled the kittens in their care, bringing their total to 19 needy souls. It was overwhelming, but without their help, the kittens would have no chance to survive.

The kittens required immediate help from a high kill shelter in Los Angeles. Images and media via Instagram/kittenrescuelife
The kittens were infested with fleas and needed immediate treatment, round-the-clock bottle feeding, and a “magic kitten shot” of antibiotics, vitamins, and fluids. Initially, Gray and her sister Silver were sickly and needed tube feeding. Foster mom Amanda took it hour by hour, doing all she could to save them while caring for her human family, all with little sleep.
After many ups and downs, it looked like the four kittens would make it as they were all gaining weight. Days later, their eyes were opening. Things seemed to be improving slowly.
“Here’s a short and sweet video of how I wake up the babies for food. A gentle touch and that’s all they need to know it’s go time. Sweet dreams world, ☁️✨” shared Kitten Rescue Life.
Gray Crossed the Rainbow Bridge
After tube feeding for two weeks and emergency vet visits, Gray suddenly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It was a heartbreaking loss but one that would change the lives of many other kittens for years to come. Kind supporters donated specialized oxygen tents and concentrators to help Gray, which would be there for future rescues.
“She may no longer be earth-side, but to me, she is the definition of tiny but mighty. A tiny kitten with mighty legacy. Thank you to everyone who has donated and thank you to everyone who loved her with me,” Amanda said.
Gray’s Legacy Lives On In Her Siblings
As Amanda adjusted to life without Gray, she shared the good news: the kitten’s three siblings were doing great and needed official names. Gray had been the name given temporarily for tracking the kitten’s weights. But with her gone, the siblings would also be her legacy.
And as suggested by our own Cole and Marmalade cat mom Jess, Amanda named the siblings for “shades of gray in her honor.”
“One of our friends made a wonderful suggestion to name Gray’s siblings after different shades of Gray in her honor. I think it’s the sweetest thing and I was leaning toward sticking to the color names, so I’m excited to introduce you to (from left to right) Storm, Silver, and Cloud,” shared Kitten Rescue Life.
Silver Linings, Clouds, and Rainbows
Storm, Silver, and Cloud were thriving, as you can see Cloud walking into the weekend below.
“Waking into the weekend like… ☁️”
As the trio grew up in a flash, the rescuers were busy helping more cuties needing round-the-clock bottle feeding. The work never stops as kitten seasons are lasting longer than ever before as the temperatures remain warmer than they used to these days.
In an update, Silver, Storm, and Cloud seemed to suddenly sprout over a busy weekend.
Rainbows and Butterflies
One day, Amanda caught Silver, the kitten, basking in a rainbow created by a window cling sticker. It was the happiest moment, one that reminded her of Gray’s life, a sign from across the rainbow perhaps.
“When Gray passed away, I asked her to send me signs through rainbows and butterflies. I don’t know why I did that because I’ve never done that when I lost someone or a kitten before. What I do know is now these rainbows shine though my living room almost all day. I enjoy these moments and don’t take them for granted. Spotting one of her siblings basking in the light just makes me smile a little extra, and I thought I’d share this happy moment with you all. 🌈🩶🦋.”
Gray’s siblings all grew up strong and started happy lives. Silver seemed to wave farewell with a funky teddy bear and Cloud became a silvery snuggle bug.
After passing the plump “avocado bod stage,” Storm found a home with a wonderful, loving family.
“We’ve had so many wonderful adoptions we need to share! I’m going to start with Storm, Gray’s sister. Just look at the way she’s looking at her daddy 🥹 Congratulations Storm and family!”
You can follow and support Kitten Rescue Life on Instagram and Facebook.