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A sweet tortie named Jessabelle wins the heart of Cat Rescue Guy after a difficult treetop rescue.

What do you do if your cat gets stuck high in a tree and can’t get down? Sometimes, firefighters or local utilities will help, but they will often not, suggesting waiting for the cat to come down. It’s dangerous to attempt a rescue, and frightened cats can climb further into the trees or even jump. Sometimes, one needs a hero with professional tree-climbing expertise and a love for cats.   

Enter “Cat Rescue Guy,” Randall Kolb, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He enjoys saving cats from trees for free. Amazingly, he cares so much for cats, their families, and trees that he refuses payment. Instead, he suggests donating to an animal welfare organization. Not only that, but he is careful not to harm the trees too.

Cat Rescue Guy saves Lucky

Saving Lucky (the second time) via Facebook/Cat Rescue Guy

It’s the adventurous way he chose to spend his retirement, as we’ve seen with other cat rescuers.

“I rescue cats for free because I love cats, I hate suffering, and I don’t want the cat to suffer just because someone can’t pay. Besides, I am retired, so I have the time, and this does not take me away from a paying job. This is one way in which I am uniquely suited to reduce suffering, and it gives me great joy to do so,” Kolb says.

We’ve shared the story of another retiree, Normer Adams from Georgia, who likewise spent his retirement climbing trees to save cats – for free! 

Cat Rescue saves Domino

Saving Domino the cat via Facebook/Cat Rescue Guy

The Cat Rescue Guy’s Philosophy

The Cat Rescue Guy practiced for over a year to learn how to climb trees safely. Then, he became the only cat rescuer he knew in his area, and the need remains great. As a cat lover, he’s practiced TNR (trap, neuter, and return) for feral cats and works with the local Animal Control.

According to his website, his rescue philosophy is to rescue kitties “in the least stressful manner possible.” If a cat is cooperative, it’s so much easier, but that’s not always how it plays out.

“I like to enlist the cat’s cooperation as much as possible. Not only is that easier on the cat, it makes my job easier as well,” Kolb writes.

Recently, Kolb saved a tortoiseshell kitty named Jessabelle, and she was the ideal cat to rescue from a tree.

Randall Kolb saves Tortie Jessabelle from the treetops

Randall Kolb saves Tortie Jessabelle from her perch high in a tree. Images via Facebook/Cat Rescue Guy

Saving Jessabelle From the Treetops

Even the tamest house cat can be afraid of a rescuer when in a dangerous situation. But when Kolb approached Jessabelle the Tortie, high in the treetops, she was exceptionally trusting and calm.  

“While I always develop a love for every cat I rescue — even those that give me great trouble — I must confess that there are some who touch me more than others, and Jessabelle, the sweet, six-month-old tortie who was stuck in a tree for two nights in Addis, Louisiana, touched my heart in a special way. Jessabelle is a sweet combination of trust, calmness, gentleness, and childlike innocence, all wrapped up in a cute, soft, compact, tortie package. She trusted me as soon as I climbed up to her, and she waited patiently while I got into position to reach her.”

Cat Rescue Guy comes to save Tortoiseshell cat Jessabelle

After a scary climb due to power lines nearby, it was time for the moment of truth, lifting the cat from the tree. When the Cat Rescue Guy lifted Jessabelle from her precarious perch, she stayed calm the whole time.

“When I lifted her off her perch with both hands under her chest, she relaxed in my hands even while I was holding her high in the air,” Kolb said. 

Tortie cat Jessabelle rescued by Kolb

This kitty was so calm that she showed affection to her rescuer in the sky.

“I set her down on my lap, and she relaxed there without moving while I petted her and then pulled the bag up around her. I held her in my arms for a minute to reassure her that she was safe, and down we went.”

Tortoiseshell cat Jessabelle in the tree looking sweet

 Afterward, he reflected on the dangerous situation and what he remembered after successfully saving Jessabelle.

“While she was only 30 feet high, the climb up to her was especially miserable and difficult for me because of the power lines that were so close, but that is all forgotten now. All I remember now is that sweet little girl who welcomed me and trusted me completely.”

Cat looking at ropes in the tree

Cat Rescue Guy Rescues People Too

After the heroic rescue, the Cat Rescue Guy got lots of praise on social media, but for him, it’s all about saving the cats and families from suffering.

“…When I rescue a cat, I am also rescuing at least one person as well,” he states. “Sometimes, I rescue a whole family, including the children. The people who love the cat are often suffering more than the cat is, and it feels very rewarding to me to return that cat to their arms and relieve their suffering.”

With nobody else around to help, his rescue fills an important void, but it could quickly get overwhelming (and dangerous) for anyone. We thank you for caring so much that you save cats for your local community. They should feel very lucky to have someone like you in their area.

Cat Rescue treetops

Saving Peaches in Carriere, Mississippi (twice)

Directory of Cat Rescuers

If you need help getting a cat rescued from a tree, Randall Kolb suggests this Directory of Cat Rescuers with folks all over the world. It’s how he started saving cats from trees after calling on someone in the directory to save a cat in his neighborhood.

“Chances are good that you will find someone there,” he writes. “If no one is listed for your immediate area, do not be afraid to call the ones closest to you. You may be surprised to learn how far some of the rescuers will go. Otherwise, they still might be able to help you find someone in your area. Failing that, call your local tree service companies. Many do not want to be bothered with cat rescues, but they still might be able to direct you to someone.”

Video by Randall Kolb:

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