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A long-time cat lover retired and decided to start a rescue, saving cats, drones, and model airplanes from the tallest of trees.

We’d do anything for our furry pets. Whether we have a cat, dog, parrot, guinea pig, or horse, we would do whatever we could to protect our family. After all, pets are family! One man took his love of cats much further. Even after his retirement, he decided that saving cats stuck in trees is his happy place!

Normer Adams and His Hobby of Tree Climbing

Normer Adams, Cat Man Do Rescue

Images via Facebook/ Cat Man Do Rescue

cat stuck in tree, Cat Man Do Rescue

Normer Adams spent his career as a social worker. For many years, he helped children in the state of Georgia. Then retirement came, and something was missing. Adams decided to take up tree climbing as a hobby. You’ve got to stay nimble as we all get older!

Normer Adama, Tree climbing

After learning the art of tree climbing, Adams is now considered an expert. He takes it one step further though. He doesn’t just climb the trees, he rescues cats from them as well! 

Cat Man Do Rescue

Adams is a long-time cat lover. So what better than to use his newfound hobby to help precious animals? Adams has always felt a special connection with cats. And as he became an expert tree climber, he realized he could put his new hobby to good use. Kitties love climbing trees, but the getting down part? Not so much. So he decided to start the Cat Man Do Rescue. The rescue simply rescues cats from trees!

700 Cats and Counting

So how does Adams do it? Well, he goes to each rescue with the necessary equipment needed to not only climb the tree but rescue the kitty as well. Helmets, ropes, tree spikes, and gloves are all part of the process. As Adams climbs the tree, he talks to the cat and tells them everything’s gonna be alright. Usually, rescues take about 2 hours to perform. However, there have been some hiccups. At one point, a kitty named Crummy took two days to rescue since he decided to “jump from limb to limb like a monkey” according to Adams.

You can see this “Two Day Horroring rescue” via YouTube below:

So far, Adams has rescued over 700 cats. That’s an awful lot of kitty tree time! Adams works in all weather conditions. No rain or snow or wind will stop him from getting our furry friends to safety!

Cat Man Do Rescue, Normer Adams

The best part of all of this? His services are completely free. His rescue services don’t stop at just cats though. His rescue will also climb trees to retrieve drones, model airplanes, and probably anything else that gets stuck in a tree if asked!

“One of the things that I enjoy about these cat rescues is seeing how the community comes together to take care of these kitties,” Adams states.

Advocating for Microchips

Man rescues cat from tree

Adams also works with local Georgia shelters to help with microchipping and finding a cat’s owner, or getting them ready for adoption. In one instance, a woman called about a cat stuck in a tree, as sweet and calm as can be. Thanks to a microchip, they found that the cat’s owner was only 8 minutes away. 

Thank you so much Normer for your service to our feline, and nonfeline flying friends! If you’d like to follow Normer’s cat-saving adventures, you can follow him on Facebook.


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