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We love a tripod or tri-pawed kitty, and despite losing a leg, they have zero issues with getting around and living happy lives. For example, here’s the story of the prettiest kitten meowdel, Fiyero, who narrowly avoided euthanasia over nothing but a leg injury!

As we’ve shared before, some folks seem to assume a cat with three legs will suffer or that surgery would be too expensive. While surgery is costly, a tripod cat can do everything other cats can do. Before giving up, ask for help because resources are often available if you do!

Fiyero the Gorgeous Silver Tabby

Life for any kitten or cat outdoors is fraught with dangers, and that’s an understatement in a city like Los Angeles. Although Fiyero had a safe home with two siblings, he managed to get loose. Four days later, he staggered home with the leg injury. Possibly, a car had hit his right front leg. In response, his family took him to the vet, asking for him to be euthanized.

kitten, Baby Kitten Rescue, Los Angeles, brachial plexus avulsion/injury

Images and media via Instagram/lilfoserbabes and babykittenrescue

Fortunately, the vets were also rescuers, and euthanasia wasn’t about to happen on their watch -thank goodness!

They stepped up to advocate for the kitten, saving his life when he had no voice. Once Fiyero’s guardian agreed, one of the vets drove him two hours away to an expert foster provider, Pei with Baby Kitten Rescue.

“[The] Owner brought him into a vet clinic wanting to euthanize 😩😔😭,” shared Fiyero’s foster mom, Pei. “This happens a lot, pets discarded because the cost or care is too ‘burdensome.’ I’m not going to judge nor preach, I will just keep trying to educate that (1) spaying/neutering your pets solves a huge part of that ‘burden’ and (2) if you’re truly in a bind – ask for help – there are resources 🙏🏼💖.”

Baby Kiten Rescue, Los Angeles, Pei Kitten Fosterer, Lilfosterbabes, Fiyero, Tripod Kitten, brachial plexus avulsion/injury, acupuncture, Hydrotherapy,

As we often see, Fiyero remained sweet, gentle, and loving despite his painful injury.

To start off fresh, Pei gave him a new name, Fifi for short, from a character from Wicked. Fittingly, he left behind the name Shadow to start a new life.

Video via Instagram/lilfoserbabes and babykittenrescue

Fiyero’s Happy Future As a Tripod

It looked like Fiyero required a leg amputation due to a complete brachial plexus avulsion/injury. In short, it meant he had no feeling in his right arm.

A cat’s forelimb is not connected in the same way the human arms are, as the kind vet explained. As a result, when the muscle and nerve connections are broken, healing may not be possible. Although the kitten had no broken bones, the feeling in his arm might never return. 

“🤓 Unlike human arms, cat forelimbs are attached to the shoulder by free-floating clavicle bones and muscle – this is what allows them to squeeze through tiny spaces as long as they can fit their head,” Pei shared.

To give Fiyero the best chance to regain feeling in his forepaw, the rescuers tried all kinds of therapies for two months:

  • Weekly acupuncture

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Physical rehabilitation

  • Acuscope

  • A corrective custom-made brace

 Baby Kiten Rescue, Los Angeles, Pei Kitten Fosterer, Lilfosterbabes, Tripod Kitten, brachial plexus avulsion/injury, acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, therapy

After two months, an orthopedic specialist determined amputation was the best route for him. Without the dysfunctional leg, he could avoid future risk of injury and pain.

Video via Instagram/lilfosterbabes and babykittenrescue

Following his amputation, Fiyero is ready for a long, happy life as a tripod. He’s as playful as always, and enjoys playing fetch with a little ball (see video below).

 Baby Kiten Rescue, Los Angeles, Pei Kitten Fosterer, Lilfosterbabes, Tripod Kitten, brachial plexus avulsion/injury, acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, after the amputation surgery

“He will be able to (and already is) do all the fun kitty things like jumping, running, climbing etc! An injury like this does not hold a kitty back in the slightest 💪🏼👏🏼🔥,” Pei said.

 Baby Kiten Rescue, Los Angeles, Pei Kitten Fosterer, Lilfosterbabes, Tripod Kitten, brachial plexus avulsion/injury, acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, cuddling and playing

Fiyero Starts a New Life!

After making a full recovery from his amputation, Fiyero is ready to start a new life in a loving home. After all he’s been through, this is the ultimate reward for him and for his rescuers and vets.

“It’s unbelievable to think Fiyero was so close to death, and so unnecessarily🥺. Especially seeing how he is literally the embodiment of love, life, silliness, and happiness.”

Tripod cat loves to play fetch, Lilfosterbabes, Los Angeles

“His trust, resilience, and loving attitude has never wavered through rehabilitation and surgery. I am so proud of him! 🥹🥰🙌🏼💪🏼,” said Pei.

You can see more, including an adoption application in the LA area, on Instagram, and TikTok. [Cat available at the time of publishing]

Video via Instagram/lilfosterbabes and babykittenrescue

We previously shared the story of Dr. Matt McGlasson, who refused to put down Nemo, an adorable orange cat who needed his rear leg amputated. Nemo bounced back and has a happy life as a tripod, too!




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