A tripod kitten named Wally surprised everyone with how fast he adjusted when rescuers found him in Los Angeles.
A shelter sent an urgent plea to area rescuers to help a 12-week-old orange/red tabby kitten, Wally. The poor guy arrived with a badly-injured front right leg and tail, possibly hit by a car. He was dragging around his injured leg, but his days of suffering would soon end when his rescuer saw his cute face.
⚠️Warning: Pictures and videos may be disturbing to some viewers.
“I saw Wally’s sweet face and poor mangled paw and immediately responded that we would take him🥺,” said Baby Kitten Rescue’s Caroline.
Images and media via Instagram/babykittenrescue
Wally was suffering badly when a kind woman found him in her yard. An animal control officer said the kitten had limped into the woman’s yard and collapsed. So she reached out for help.
Wally’s Leg Had No Feeling
The LA-based Baby Kitten Rescue took Wally to multiple vets, who discovered that his leg would require amputation since it had no remaining nerve function.
When Caroline picked the kitten up from the shelter, she immediately took him to the vet, who advised amputating his leg and part of his injured tail. Specifically, he had a brachial plexus injury which is irreversible. To be sure, they took him to a neurologist before amputation.
“Wally is a super sweet 12 week old boy who loves pets and purrs as soon as you touch him🥹 He’s not very playful yet since he’s in such a rough state and on so many pain meds. But hopefully we can get him feeling better and playing soon!🙏🧡”
Wally Remained a Purr Machine Throughout
Unfortunately, Wally’s nerve damage did mean amputation was necessary for his leg. However, his tail didn’t need amputation. Surgery would cost thousands, but the rescuers knew Wally deserved a pain-free, happy life. Tripod kittens and cats do great on three legs and can do everything other cats do.
Unfortunately, Wally was starting to self-mutilate, chewing on the arm.
“😣 I’m sure it’s really confusing and frustrating for him to have that arm dragging around with no feeling or control over it😔,” Caroline explained.
Nevertheless, he remained so sweet with his rescuers.
“Despite everything, Wally remains the sweetest, most gentle little purr machine who just wants pets and kisses (which I gladly give him🥰)🧡”
The Last Day Dragging Around His Leg
Amazingly, the rescue’s supporters came through, and he got the needed surgery and was neutered at the same time. Surgery is always risky, but he pulled through with flying colors. The vet and staff fell in love with the sweet kitten.
“He’s already walking around easier than he was dragging that arm👏 He has to wear a cone to keep him from picking at his incision, which he doesn’t love🤪 But I take it off to let him eat (only while actively supervising)🧡”
Later, he wore a “super cool sock sweater” to protect his incision, which he liked a lot better.
A New Tripod Kitten Life Begins
Just days after surgery, and a change in pain medication, Wally rebounded as if nothing had happened. He was playful and even running, although he needed to rest. Everyone was amazed at how resilient he was. Despite the large incision, he healed quickly.
“Wally has adjusted with ease to tripod life and is already walking, chasing, and playing on 3 legs💪,” Caroline shared.
Thriving in Just Days
It’s amazing how fast Wally adjusted to the Tripod life. Sooner than expected, he was ready to find his furever home.
“It’s been 2 weeks since Wally’s amputation surgery and he is thriving!!🥰 He has healed so quickly and smoothly and has adapted to life as a tripod with ease💪”
Home with Another Tripod
Not long afterward, Baby Kitten Rescue shared the happy news. A family with another tripod kitty drove all the way from Las Vegas to meet him and decided to adopt. You can see Wally quickly fell in love with Beth and John. It was the “best happily ever after,” the rescuer said.
“They understand Wally and are committed to giving him the time, patience, and tenderness he needs to feel safe and thrive👏😻🥰. Wally will have 2 kitty sisters at home, and one of his sisters is also a tripod kitty!😻”
You can follow Wally, now Rally, on Instagram to see what he and his siblings are up to now. You can follow and support Baby Kitten Rescue on Instagram and Facebook.