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Kitten season everywhere brings floods, but that was true in more ways than one in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Fortunately, there was also a bit of rare luck in the form of an unusual kitten name Audio.

Before we look at this rare kitten, born with a genetic mutation, consider what was happening just before his arrival!

Kitten Floods/ Literal Floods Hit the ‘True Rescue’

Rescuers from “True Rescue” have recently been dealing with literal floods as well as a flood of kittens and puppies needing help. In late July, torrential rains led to a rare flood overnight, followed by another one the next night!

Cats took to higher ground on cat towers while others were found sitting in water that made it up to four inches in the deepest areas.

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, flood of rescue

Images and media via Facebook/True Rescue

Fortunately, the over 250 cats were ok. Still, the floods stalled efforts at the busiest time of year. Due to all the damage, the rescuers need to install a very expensive drainage system and a foundation repair to boot! Thankfully, local news alerted the community about the crisis. In response, the community flooded the rescue with help.

The overwhelming response from the community “hit them in the heart on a wonderful level,” the rescuers said.

“There was no fighting, no judging of our building, no egos or big personalities, and no arguing of religion or politics. There was nothing but just community love and support, with a mutual love of animals and people coming together and simply asking ‘How can I help?’ We have always been the rescue that says ‘yes,’ and ‘How can we help?’ and to now be on the flip side of that, being the ones in need, it was a real ‘pay it forward’ moment,” said Executive Director Amy Simcik.

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, flood of rescue, 2

Cats took to the cat trees, which had to be replaced due to extensive water damage.

A Rare Kitten Named Audio with Four Ears

Amidst this wet backdrop of extreme floods, the rescue took in a litter of four kittens with one extremely rare kitten.

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, Audio, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, 3

Images and media via Facebook/True Rescue

When they took Audio out of the carrier, they saw something shocking: two smaller rear-facing ears were inside his larger ears!

Video via Facebook/True Rescue

Such an unusual kitten needed a fitting name, so they chose Audio. Inside his average-sized ears, there are two smaller ones turned around backwards. In similar cases, the smaller ear flaps, called pinna, aren’t functional. But sometimes, they can hear with all four ears!

“Welcome to True Rescue, Audio, where love has no boundaries!”

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, Audio, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, 1

“EXTREMELY RARE so lend me your ears (snicker)! This kitten came into our shelter today with his 3 other siblings, and he has a rare genetic mutation having been born with FOUR EARS! You ‘heard’ me right (snort)! The last kitten we were able to find research about that had 4 ears came from Turkey and was from 2 years ago,” shared True Rescue.

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, Audio, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, 2

Video by Good Morning America featuring Audio the kitten:

A veterinarian is caring for Audio, who will keep his two extra ears unless it causes health issues. Until then, he’s brought great luck to the rescue exactly when they needed it most!

“For Audio to come at this time…it really does feel like a good luck charm,” Kristin Condite, director of operations, told WGN9. 

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey, 2

Thanks to Audio, the rescue received another spotlight from national news as they continue recovering from the storms. Incredibly, to keep up with the floods of incoming kittens and pups, they need to adopt out about 150 to 200 animals each month!

You can follow and support True Rescue on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and their website.

Midas the Four-Eared Cat from Turkey

Aside from being harder to clean, Audio’s extra ears will hopefully not present ongoing health issues. As we shared previously, a gorgeous kitty named Midas from Turkey, was also born with four ears and she hears out of them all. Midas does have an additional related jaw defect but is otherwise doing great! We’re happy to see she recently celebrated her third birthday.

“Helloooo hoomans, it’s my birthday today 😻” Midas shared on July 14, 2024.

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, True Rescue, Audio, kitten with four ears, Executive Director Amy Simcik, Kristin Condite, director of operations, genetic mutation, Midas the four-eared cat from Turkey

Image via Instagram/midas_x24. Photo credit: @taluhuseyin


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