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We always love seeing dogs and cats shattering the stereotype that they don’t get along. In some cases, they’re the best of buddies. Even when dogs have paws larger than a kitten, they can be such gentle giants. And kittens raised with a nanny dog have a better chance of finding a loving home! Here’s an example that left us feeling warm and tingly: an oversized dog named Gunner the Stunner who helped raise foster kittens in the UK.

Gunner the ‘House Hippo’ Loves Cats and Kittens

Gunner the Stunner is a registered ‘American Bully’ dog hilariously nicknamed a ‘House Hippo.’ On social media, he and his mom, O. Pavez, are raising awareness about the “American XL Bully,” which can be incredibly gentle but is banned in the UK. Whenever he goes on walks he wears a large muzzle as required.

‘Uncle Gunner ‘might be an extra-large boy, but he identifies as a Mama Cat. Recently, when the family took in a pregnant tabby, she got upset when Gunner wasn’t standing guard outside the box where she was ready to give birth!

“My XL Bully was my cats birthing partner,” shared Pavez.

O Pavez and Gunner, Gunner the Stunner, Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, 3

Images and media via TikTok/Gunner the Stunner

As the mama cat was about to go into labor, Pavez escorted the gentle giant out of the room.

 O Pavez and Gunner, Gunner the Stunner, Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, 5

But amazingly, the cat protested, crying and looking around for Gunner. Only when he came back into the room could she relax and settle back into her box.

 O Pavez and Gunner, Gunner the Stunner, Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, 4

“He stayed for hours with her being very patient, keeping her company.”

O Pavez and Gunner, Gunner the Stunner, Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, 2

Gunner stayed nearby, checking on the tabby until she finally gave birth.

Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, close up

From the beginning, he was a model Nanny to the kittens.

 O Pavez and Gunner, Gunner the Stunner, Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, 1

As the cat nursed her littler, Gunner sweetly laid beside them and was always incredibly gentle.

Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, floor

Video by Gunner the Stunner:

Gunner the Stunner is the Sweetest Nanny 

As the kittens grew up, Gunner remained their constant guardian beside their play tent area. Instinctively, he remained still as they played around him. And the mother cat trusted him completely, nuzzling him affectionately. It seems she knew from the get-go that this gentle giant would help her with her babies.

“She loves and trusts him,” Pavez said of the tabby.

When the kittens were weaned to solid food, Gunner would even share food with them!

Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo ppo, growing kittens

Foster Kittens Raised with Dogs 

Kittens raised with gentle dogs have a better chance of finding homes. And sure enough, a family adopted each of the kittens.

As we’ve shared many times, raising foster kittens with a trusted, gentle dog can be a wonderful idea. And witnessing the adorable interactions is such a reward! What could be cuter on this earth?

Video via TikTok/Gunner the Stunner

Here’s Gunner with the family’s adult British Shorthair. As you can see, this dog’s gentle and tolerant nature knows no bounds!

Gunner the Stunner is on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube

Pit Bull, American XL Bully, Nanny dog, dog cares for litter of kittens, UK, gentle giants, dogs and cats, dogs with kittens, House Hippo, Russian Blue

Video via TikTok/Gunner the Stunner








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