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We should appreciate the simple things in life, as the saying goes. If you are thankful for what you have, it’s the key to happiness. And the free things can bring us endless joy when no amount of expensive junk ever could.

Our lives with our cats and other pets teach us about what really matters. When the going gets tough, we realize it’s our bonds with our loved ones and pets that truly matter. Indeed, nothing else matters.

Cats teach us to live in the present and to keep going to overcome whatever obstacles come our way. They always impress us by remaining loving and open to trust, no matter the cruelty they’ve experienced before. And they always keep us laughing and entertained.

In that spirit, here’s the story of a cute tabby named Mary who is keeping her family and fans endlessly entertained in Central Ohio. Every day, she turns over a new leaf and then does it all over again.

A World of Leafy Wonder

When Mary the Tabby was 12 weeks old, she showed up at the home of Emily Manley and her family. Not long after, Mary started doing something funny. She started bringing three or four piles of dried leaves to the home every day, carrying them proudly along the fence that became known as the ‘catwalk’ to fans on social media.

Maybe Mary wanted to thank the family for taking her in? Whatever the reason, she brought something that she finds uniquely irresistible: nice crunchy leaves. There’s an endless supply outside in the nearby woods, and when she brings them, her family praises her for her special gifts.

“She just drops them for us as an offering. We get leaves instead of rodents! *mostly❤️” they explained on Instagram.

Mary Manley looks at the camera with a pile of leaves she has selected

Mary Manley looks at the camera with a pile of leaves she has selected. Images via Instagram/theres_something_about_maryy

Mary Turns Over a New Leaf Every Day

What Mary is doing is super silly, and it’s even better since the family fully appreciates and encourages the kitty’s generosity.

“We were just so thrilled with it,” Manley told Rover. “The praise that we gave her when she came home, I’m sure it has something to do with it because we just thought it was the cutest thing ever. ‘Oh, thank you so much for your gift, thank you so much,’ you know, and she’d go back out and get us more, and we’d thank her again.”

Thus, the cat knows the family loves her collections and keeps doing it, in part to make them happy. And it must be fun for her too!

Video via Instagram/theres_something_about_maryy

Deputy Dachshund Can’t Stop Mary

On the other hand, Daphne, the resident Dachshund, isn’t so appreciative or maybe a little jealous. No matter what, Mary never stops bringing the choicest of brittle leaves to the home, in all sorts of weather. Even when it snows, she’s living her best life and collecting her prized leaf litter.

On rare occasions, she carries one delicate specimen home. However, she usually brings whole clumps and branches, as a camera on her collar showed. And she even brings leaves from the home’s gutters, which is quite a nice purrk!

Nevertheless, Deputy Daphne does her best to discourage the kitty before she can make another drop. There’s always a critic.

“Deputy Daphne doesn’t take kindly to leaf piles on the deck. 👮”

‘Leaf Hunter Extraordinaire’

Come what may, Mary continues practicing and has become a professional leafer. Given a chance, she’s been known to carry them proudly into the house.

“Every now and again she scoots by me and drops her pile in the house.🤭 She’s so proud though! 🥹 You’re the best Mare-mare,” shared Emily.

Mary Manley comes inside with her leaf gift

After Mary disappeared for several days, the family placed a GPS collar on her, and she has a microchip. Since she loves her daily leafing excursions so much, they want to allow her the freedom to pursue her hobby. And it sure is adorable to witness. May this wonderful kitty always stay safe. She and her leaves are a treasure!

You can see more of this wonderful Leaf Hunter Extraordinaire on Instagram.


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