Self-described “shamelessly extra pet parent,” Chas rescued two blind cats, Beifong and Seymour. First, she saw Seymour on PetFinder and “instantly fell in love.” A week later, she decided to visit him at the rescue, and that’s when she discovered he had a brother, also fully blind. The next day, they both came home!
Chas named Beifong after the blind earthbender in Avatar, Toph Beifong. And Seymour, well, “that’s just a bad joke,”(See more) Chas explained. But Seymour has a great sense of humor!
Beifong and Seymour both had eyelid agenesis (misformed eyelids) and eye infections as kittens. They were “living in filth,” but thankfully, rescuers found them, along with their siblings. But while the other kittens in the litter found homes, these two blind brothers waited for two years before Chas saw them.
“They truly are like any other cat. They don’t have any issue at getting around whatsoever,” Chas explained on TikTok. “The only difference is they are much, much cuter.”
Images and media via TikTok/through.the.lleaves
“I can’t believe no one wanted them for 2 years. They are perfect,” Chas shared.
Video via TikTok/through.the.lleaves
Beifong and Seymour Have Navigational SupurrPowers
Sometimes, eye issues like agenesis or entropion can be corrected with surgery, but these brothers had to have their eyes removed. Nevertheless, the dynamic duo behaves almost as if they’re sighted, playing and exploring, jumping, and navigating their home with ease. They also have no problem fitting in with a household of pets, including a large, active dog and a huge Maine Coon. And how cute is the leopard tortoise, Fig?
It took planning and time to get all the pets accustomed to each other, but now they’re one big happy family.
So, how do Beifong and Seymour do it? Is there some kind of echolocation at work? We wouldn’t be surprised, but whatever it is, their senses are definitely heightened beyond belief. As we’ve shared before, blind cats seem to have SupurrPowers!
Video via TikTok/through.the.lleaves
These Blind Brothers May Surprise You
Chas shared some things that Beifong and Seymour do that might surprise you (see video below).
- They jump with great accuracy. How? We have no idea. A detailed map of the room in their minds? Echolocation?
- The blind brothers stalk each other and the other cats.
- When they play, they chase each other, roughhousing like any other cat.
- Although they don’t have eyes, they slow blink like other kitties, showing affection.
For more, you can follow along on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
Video via Instagram/ through.the.lleaves