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Three beautiful Maine Coon sisters had barely started life when they ended up at a New York shelter. Possibly, a breeder surrendered them due to serious congenital issues with their litter. Unfortunately, it happens all the time to mistreated, what breeders call, “working cats”. 

They were two days old and soon became covered in long fluff of exquisite chocolate, black, and gold. Their sparkling eyes contrasted like gems. And they grew the longest ear tufts, giving them a Lynx-like majestic appearance. There’s no question Maine Coon cats are gorgeous creatures.

But these sisters had no chance to survive without round-the-clock bottle feeding and warmth. They were extremely lucky, finding a foster home and Meow Parlour in NYC. When they arrived at the cat café, they became the first official Maine Coons ever in their care. (While mixes are relatively common.)

Unfortunately, things would be more challenging for two of the sisters. And, sadly, two of their other siblings passed away by the time they reached two months old. 

Gretchen and Jenny, Main Coon kittens at Meow Parlour in NYC, Maine Coon sisters

Images via Facebook/Meow Parlour

Two Maine Coon Sisters Might Never Walk or Run 

Although otherwise healthy, Gretchen and Jenny came into the world with hind leg bones that didn’t grow normally. 

Their kneecaps moved out of place, a genetic condition known as medial patellar luxation. In their severe case, they needed expensive corrective surgeries. Otherwise, they would find it harder to move as they aged and could face debilitating arthritis pain and lameness for a lifetime.

Maine Coon rescued kittens in their foster home in New York, medial patellar luxation, Main Coon sisters

In milder cases, the condition sometimes corrects itself over time, but not in severe cases like these. For Gretchen, it was her right hind limb that was affected. The imbalance caused her leg bone to curve out of place. But Jenny had issues with both of her back legs. She had to hop along. But neither sister knew they were any “different” and enjoyed life as loved kittens.

Maine Coon Sisters, Meow Parlour, NYC cat café, medial patellar luxation, Grethen and Jenny , 1

Jenny the Main Coon

Six Months to Surgery

To give the sisters a pain-free adulthood, it would require surgeries with hefty price tags. But before that could happen, they needed to grow up and reach six months old. Then, would the community come through to help them?

Video via Instagram/Meow Parlour

Gretchen and Jenny Grow Up in Meow Parlour

After growing up in a wonderful foster home, the Maine Coon sisters went to Meow Parlour. 

“Gretchen poll time: do you prefer her chocolate paw or her chicken nugget paw?” Meow Parlour asked.

Gretchen the Maine coon in Meow Parlour in NYC

Image via Facebook/Meow Parlour

The sisters continued doing great and enjoying life. Gretchen, with her striking markings, bonded with Chestnut, a tabby she met in foster care. Meanwhile, Jenny bonded with her sister Dalgi.

At the cat café, they could finally tell visitors they indeed had Maine Coon cats, an almost daily question. Thankfully there are numerous rescues dedicated to saving and caring for “speciality breed” felines, many cats who were used and abused by breeders. 

“Every time we have a brown long-haired cat, many visitors ask us if they’re Maine Coon. [The] good news is that for the first time in Meow Parlour history, we do have Maine Coons in our care! Bad news is, two of them will soon need costly surgery,” they shared. “…Would you like to help them walk and run like any other cat?”

Maine Coon Sisters, Gretchen, Jenny, and Dalgi

Maine Coon Sisters, Gretchen, Jenny, and Dalgi

Will The Maine Coon Sisters Walk and Run One Day?

If enough caring people donate, the Maine Coon sisters could one day experience running for the first time in a loving forever home. 

“We are hopeful we’ll find them families who can take care of their long post-surgery recovery,” they shared.

You can see more on Facebook and Instagram and their website. Those in NYC can make a reservation to visit Meow Parlour, NYC’s first cat café.


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