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A pretty calico surprised border agents in British Columbia when they peeked into a box shipped from China and saw golden eyes blinking back at them. The box arrived at the Vancouver International Mail Centre with a hole on the side, prompting closer attention by Canada Border Service Agency officers.

After the surprise, they managed to get her into a kennel and gave her some water. The beautiful frightened cat was remarkably ok. An Animal Control Officer from the BC SPCA rushed to pick her up and transported her to an emergency veterinarian. 

Then, the BC SPCA gave her a cute name.

Precious Cargo the cat shipped from China to Canada

Images via BC SPCA

Precious Cargo from China

Krista Shaw from the BC SPCA said the kitty they dubbed Precious Cargo, was doing ok but dehydrated and underweight. She also got important tests, vaccinations, fluids, and medications. 

“Once under medical care, she was hooked up to fluids to rehydrate, was tested for foreign parasites and diseases, and closely monitored 24/7,” the BC SPCA stated. 

As scared as she was, she needed some help to get her to eat anything.

“Poor Precious was so fearful; she wasn’t showing interest in her food, and needed medication to stimulate her appetite,” they stated.

Precious Cargo the cat shipped from China to Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) asked that she get a rabies vaccination, which she received.

“When Precious first arrived at the clinic, she was very fearful. After settling in and getting the treatments she needed, she started feeling better and trusting the team of doctors and staff who were caring for her,” Shaw said.

Precious Cargo the cat, BC SPCA, Vancouver, Canada, cat shipped in box from China

Images via BC SPCA

How Long Was Her Trip?

So far, no one is sure how long the calico castaway had been stuffed in the box or who sent her. After a week at the vet clinic, she went into a foster home. As beautiful and friendly as she is and with such a remarkable story, it’s unsurprising the kitty’s foster mom quickly decided to adopt her.

“She is slowly starting to eat and drink more and is getting comfortable around her home.” Shaw said. “She loves belly rubs and a good stretch on her lap.”

Video by CTV News:

Meow Did She Get in the Box?

Canada’s Global News reported that Precious Cargo isn’t talking about how she became a stowaway. The box she arrived in held some clues since it was damaged, but there was no urine or feces inside. The report from the BC SPCA indicates she also needed to be spayed.

“When the CBSA officer looked into the box, the officer saw a pair of eyes staring back which blinked,” Binder Kooner, chief of operations for the CBSA, said in a release.

The hole on the side of the box was large enough that Precious Cargo may have gotten inside herself. But whether that happened in Asia or during a flight stopover en route to Vancouver is a mystery. Or, somebody shipped her to Canada for some reason.

You can help cats like Precious Cargo by visiting the BC SPCA website, where she is currently featured on the homepage.

Precious Cargo the cat, BC SPCA, Vancouver, Canada, cat shipped in box from China

You can also follow on Facebook and Instagram.

Video by Global News:


Another ‘Stowaway’ Survived Month-Long Trip from China

It’s not the first time a cat survived in a box shipped to British Columba from China. In April 2019, a tabby dubbed ‘Stowaway’ and later given the name Journey by supporters survived almost a month inside a large shipping container sent from China to Vancouver and then to Prince George, BC. Once again, the SPCA came to the rescue for their first-time “international guest.”

Stowaway probably survived by licking condensation inside the shipping container.

“She might be pushing record territory for survival and if it hadn’t been for the little bit of condensation, she probably wouldn’t have been able to survive,'” said Alex Schare from SPCA North Cariboo.

The BC SPCA North Cariboo helped Journey with life-threatening medical concerns and helped her learn to trust people over a year. You can follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

Video by Global News about ‘Stowaway’ the cat’s incredible journey:



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