Henry and Baloo, the adventure dog and cat team, were an inseparable duo, proving that cats and dogs can have incredible friendships. Baloo, the cat, saw Henry as his mother after being rescued as a kitten abandoned by his mama cat. And Henry, also a rescue with separation anxiety, found the adventurous friend he always needed with Baloo.
Note: This story may make you cry as it did the author, but it is also incredibly heartwarming, as life so often is.
We previously shared how the Colorado cat and dog charmed the world with their amazing love story shared with their humans, Cynthia and Andre. The stunning pictures of their outdoor adventures are breathtaking, and as if this duo was born to be photographed.

Left to right: Cynthia, Baloo, Henry, and Andre. Images and media via Instagram/henrythecoloradodog
Sometimes, Henry wore Baloo like a hat. Occasionally, it was the reverse.
“A little bit of a role reversal… it’s a Dog Hat! 😍”
Video by The Dodo about Henry and Baloo:
Baloo and Family Say Farewell to Henry
As we all know only too well, pets just don’t live long enough. So it was heartbreaking news when Henry had a cancer diagnosis in February 2022. Henry had access to the best cancer treatment and was tough throughout it all. But then he suddenly went downhill. The family shared their at-home euthanasia story after a last trip to the mountains. The beloved dog had a touchingly peaceful and loving passing, and people all over the world expressed their love for him.
“The ones we love never really leave us, and grief is a small price to pay for such a treasure,” they shared.
While they knew Henry would live on with them, it’s always incredibly hard, and they were concerned for Baloo. Without Henry, Baloo struggled, pacing and crying, looking for his friend. He began losing weight after he stopped eating. But things were about to turn around, and everything would be ok again, although nobody could replace Henry.
Baloo Chooses Pan
Although the family found it extremely hard, they did what was best for grieving Baloo. He quickly showed he was ready for a new friend, a rescued pup named Pan.
“Pan was just what the doctor ordered 🥰,” the family soon shared.
Incredibly, Baloo chose Pan, having an instant connection with him that doesn’t seem like any coincidence. He immediately started eating again and playing with Pan.
“He made it clear that he wanted Pan to join our little family out of the 11 pups up for adoption. Baloo instantly connected to Pan, and Pan fell in love with Baloo. Kisses were even exchanged within the first couple minutes of them meeting. Who knows, maybe this was fate, and Henry was guiding us the whole time. I know he would have never wanted Baloo to be this sad and lonely,” they shared.
The family was so thankful that Pan helped Baloo in such an amazing way.
Astonishingly, the Baloo and Pan picked up adventuring together right away, sharing a backpack in a spring snowstorm. Keep in mind this was soon after they met.
Rescuing Animals Rescues Us
Today, Baloo and Pan remain inseparable, and they love their adventurous life with Cynthia and Andre. By adopting Pan, Baloo got the help he needed to overcome the toughest time of his life. Although it was hard, the family opened their hearts to rescue a new animal in need, and in return, they all have been rescued again.
“Dear Pan, Thank you for being the friend I needed during the toughest time of my life. I never spent one day away from my Henry, so not having him around felt like the end. I stopped eating and couldn’t process being without him, until we adopted you. I all of a sudden felt like I could eat and play again, like I didn’t have to hide or scream for Henry. You gave me so, so much love that it gave me the strength to heal. And I don’t know where’d I be without you, my leader of the lost boys. I love you Pan, more than you’ll ever know. 💙Love, Baloo.”
For National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, on April 30, 2022, they shared how much rescuing changed their lives forever.
“Today’s special because it’s National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day. I’m struggling to find the words to express how special of a day it is. How much our adopted furry family has changed our lives. Maybe the best way to put it is it sure doesn’t feel like we’re the ones rescuing them.. more like the other way around.”
You can follow Baloo, Pan, and Henry on Instagram and their website about “our wild tails.”