There’s just something about grumpy-looking cats and kittens that people can’t get enough of. Their scowls and disdain are often quite humorous, and we can all relate, particularly on Mondays. So, here are some of our favorite Grumps.
In most cases, these little characters aren’t actually grumpy at all. Generally, they just look that way with a sweet, affectionate purrsonality. It’s a good reminder: you can’t necessarily judge a book by its cover or a cat by its cute little grimace.
The Original Grumpy Cat
There would be no way to talk about grumpy cats without giving a nod to the original Grumpy Cat, whose real name was Tardar Sauce. In 2012, her scowling face took over the internet and became countless memes.
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Due to feline dwarfism and an underbite, Tardar Sauce always appeared to disapprove of everything, but only made her more endearing. Although she passed away in 2019, Grumpy Cat still has over 2.4 million followers on Instagram. In Milwaukee, a muralist honored Grumpy Cat with a giant building-sized mural.
This iconic grump from Arizona helped millions of people smile through the frowns.
See Tardar Sauce below from Real Grumpy Cat:
Giggles the Angry Cat Who Isn’t
A grumpy-looking cat named Giggles may look angry but is really sweet and loving with a “chill” personality. The gruff tabby appeared roaming the streets of Akron, Ohio. Then, foster home-based rescuers at Riggi Rescue saved him and found him a forever home.
Over a hundred people wanted to adopt Giggles after his adorable scowl went viral internationally. Then, he became an ambassador for the rescue group to help save other kitties. Today, you can follow Giggles on Facebook and Instagram.
“Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.
The Dour Diva Meow Meow
Meow Meow has a grumpy look due to a “Batman” marking across her eyes, says her mom Clare. Like the other grumps on our list, she only appears that way. Actually, Meow Meow is sweet and affectionate though she appears to despise everything.
Recently, Meow Meow celebrated her twelfth birthday and seemed to loathe every second.
Follow Meow Meow on Instagram and Facebook.
Winky the Dwarf Cat
Winky is a dwarf cat with a big attitude from a small potato farm in Boise, Idaho. She was born into a feral colony and captured with her siblings, who went to Simply Cats shelter.
Her name comes from a female House Elf in the Harry Potter books. Like Grumpy Cat, Winky has appeared on memes with her trademark bug eyes caused by feline dwarfism. No matter what she does, she has a grumpy look but has a loving personality. As you can see, she’s one of a kind and a real character.
You can follow Winky on Instagram and Facebook.
Loki, Goddess of Mischief
Loki the “kitteh” appears to be permanently grumpy, and the world loves it. Currently, Loki, “the Goddess of Mischief,” has over 485K fans on Instagram showcasing her adorably angry-looking mug.
Princess Leia the Grumpy Kitten
Below, Princess Leia the kitten looks like many of us when Monday rolls around. We found her randomly searching for the best grumpy kitties and couldn’t resist sharing. She does seem to have a bit of that feisty Carrie Fisher vibe, doesn’t she?
“When someone reminds you that tomorrow is Monday 😡 why do the weekends go so fast??”
Follow Leia and Obi on Instagram.
Grumpy Foster Kittens
Foster Kitten Mama Heid Shoemaker has seen “more kitten cuteness than you can handle.” Also, she’s seen a few grumpy kittens over the years. Below, a kitten named Linkin tries to look big and tough whenever Shoemaker picks him up.
“Every time I try to pick him up he screams his head off and shows me he’s so big and scawy with his intense hisses.🤣 Introducing for the first time little…………LINKIN!!!!! A true mama’s boy!!!🥰💙🐾🎉”
Here’s another one of her little grumpy charges below:
Over the summer, she cared for “cutie boy Grayson,” who resembles a sullen grey Yoda.
“These babies crack me up with their “Yoda ears”!!! Cutie boy Grayson and his pinky toe beans too!!🐾🎉💙”
Resting Cat Face
Recently, the Greenville Humane Society shared a picture of Lily, a kitten with “resting cat face.”
“Hi! I’m Lily! Don’t worry, I’m not a grumpy kitten. This is just my resting cat face!”
We love seeing these irresistible little grumpy faces. Which one is your favorite? Share your own grumpy kitties in the comments.