The world mourned when Internet sensation Grumpy Cat (real name Tardar Sauce) passed away this past spring. The comically expressive house cat had been the face of countless memes since she first appeared on a Reddit thread back in 2012. She ruled the interwebs with her adorable scowl. And garnered the attention of millions of admirers worldwide.
Almost everywhere you went, you’d see reminders of this sweet girl with the cutest little permanent scowl. Now, months after her passing, her memory is being honored on a street corner in Milwaukee.
Schuster Metals is near the corner of North 30th Street and West North Avenue. It was one of several businesses in the area to take part in the East Tosa mural project in July 2019. A group called Summer Sprays hosted a “graffiti jam” where they worked together to put up 7 murals throughout the north side of Milwaukee.
The building-sized memorial of Grumpy Cat is the brainchild of Chicago-based muralist It’s Mathematical. The street art features (one of) the Internet’s favorite cats arriving at heaven’s pearly gates. In her beloved fashion, Grumpy Cat is still not impressed. Her giant disapproving eyes and trademark scowl look out over the street to remind everyone to be #GrumpyForever. And we think it’s beautiful!
Sam Essak, co-owner of Schuster Metals, said they asked the artists to tag the wall of their building. It was a unique way to bring color to their street corner. They got what they asked for! And their tribute to Grumpy Cat has also been attracting major attention.
Fans of the memorialized kitty can’t help but stop and take selfies. Some people are traveling for miles just to see the mural in real life.
Grumpy Cat may be gone, but she’s definitely not forgotten. And with that soul-penetrating stare, how could she ever be?!
Related Story: Famous Cartoon Cat Characters
Yes, I like my cats and I prefer people who respectfully care for their heart-in-fur, whether cat or other pet. I’ve noticed children with an animal they are responsible for behave in very mature, empathetic ways. They learn the gate or door left open can mean their pony or cat can be hurt, so they don’t forget to care for their fur-friends.
The imagery of the single lonely woman consoling herself with cats because she wasn’t good enough for a man to want to marry is just a misogynist urban legend. The modern meme is used by anti-feminists to attack women on social media along with the feminazi, SJW, and cultural marxist labels.