Jin’s Bottle Babies, an Arizona newborn kitten rescue, shared the story of an instant kitten bromance when kittens Pico and Ressler met by chance. After meeting, they quickly became best bros, a dynamic duo that loved doing everything together.
Ressler, a gorgeous colorpoint, has a chill personality and loves to pose for the camera. Earlier, the tabby Pico arrived with three ginger brothers called the “Purritos.” Previously, we shared a story about one of the kittens named Cheesy Queso.
While Pico’s orange siblings found homes, he remained overlooked. Then, one day, Ressler arrived from another foster home for temporary babysitting. After the two met, they hit it off, so much so that the foster homes decided they should be forever friends.
“My big man Ressler. He just wants food and love. What a guy.”

Baby Ressler. Images via Instagram/Jin’s Bottle Babies and chaos.in.cat.shape
Kitten Bromance
From the start, Pico and Ressler stuck together, often spending their time snuggling in a ball. It seems their personalities made them exceptionally compatible. While the sweet Pico is outgoing, Ressler is more easy-going. However, he does like to wrestle, as his name suggests.
“Pico’s nap interrupted by Ressler starting wrestling matches. 😂 Why not, kettens wake up ready to rumble haha.”
As the adorable pictures show, Pico and Ressler were inseparable. When they weren’t snuggling, they were playing, becoming wrestling champions, or exploring everything they could get into.
“These boys still need a home! They come with this tunnel 😂”
Before long, the bromance led to a lifetime of togetherness.
Pico and Ressler Find a Home
In August, Jen posted an update on her “favorite little bromance.” They found a home together, where they continue to snuggle to this day and have “a happy spoiled life,” says Jen. Pico was one of her favorite fosters ever, and the “sweet and funny” Ressler was the subject of hundreds of photogenic and cute pictures.
Along with a loving home, the kittens received new names, Julian (Pico) and Marty (Ressler).
“Two little pieces of my heart decided they were grown and ready for their forever home today. Pico and Ressler are my favorite little bromance and I am so, so excited for their new home. The only people more excited than us are their new family, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Happy life boys, love you forever! ❤️❤️”
🐈⬛ 🐈 Adopting Two is Often the Best Thing to Do 🐈⬛ 🐈
Often, rescuers like Jin’s Bottle Babies recommend adopting bonded kittens in pairs for a variety of reasons. Besides Pico and Ressler, they have many other “bonded bros” for adoption. On Instagram, they explain why adopting in pairs is often the best way to go.
Although you may think two kittens would be a handful, they generally work out their kitten energy with their playmate.
“Adopting two kittens is the most solid choice 99% of the time. People worry it’s more than they can handle, but one kitten without a buddy to burn off wild kitten energy with is actually much more difficult for everyone under the roof,” they write.
When adopted singly, kittens can sometimes overwhelm older pets. Plus, a single kitten may be prone to become destructive without an outlet for all that boundless energy.
“Those kittens are the kittens who are prone to end up shredding your couch and biting your feet at night and developing behavioral issues down the line – especially if you have older pets in the home. You don’t want your new kitten getting kitten-y on your older pets,” they write.
On the other hand, adopting single kittens can often work out perfectly fine too. It all depends on the individual situation, so you don’t necessarily have to rule out taking home one kitten.
“Pico and Ressler crossed paths in foster care and have decided they are best bros and wrestling champions. Who are we to argue?” they wrote.
“Lazy, angular, boys. Happy Caturday from Pico and Ressler!”
Follow Jin’s Bottle Babies on Facebook and Instagram to see more cuties like Cheesy Queso.