Jin’s Bottle Babies, a newborn kitten rescue in Arizona, shared the story of orange tabby Cheesy Queso, the “luckiest of kittens.” The energetic Queso came to the foster home in June. As one of the “Los Purritos crew,” Queso began foster care with Guacamole, Pico, and Chili.

Image via Facebook, Jin’s Bottle Babies
🧀⚡Queso Kitten Energy⚡🧀
After being rescued and raised in foster care, Cheesy Queso was lucky again, finding a family who adopted him. However, there were adult pets in the home, and they adopted him by himself. That’s when the kitten’s luck seemed to take a turn. Sadly, the family decided that Queso’s kitten energy was too much.
On Instagram, Jin’s Bottle Babies shared the story, at first disheartening. But don’t worry: We then learn how Cheesy Queso came out on top.

Image via Instagram From left: Queso, Chili, and Guacamole
Cheesy Queso Returned to Foster Care
Once Queso met his new family, they said things weren’t going well. Since Queso was a bundle of kitten energy, as kittens generally are, they found his behavior “disruptive” with the older pets in the home. Soon, they realized that Queso needed a kitten pal to play with, but they could not accommodate two kittens at the time.
Shelbi from Jin’s Bottle Babies responded:
“Man, oh man. This little guy is the luckiest of kittens, I swear! Little Cheesy Queso was returned quite abruptly and in ways that don’t feel good. Other chief complaints were: “he is constantly getting into things,” “picking fights with our other animals,” and again with the “up all hours of the night.”
Now, Shelbi explains how Queso’s story is one they frequently see. As this person found out, double adoptions can often be best. That way, kittens have a playmate to bond with and work out their boundless kitten energy.
Why Double Adoptions Can Be Best
Now, Shelbi explains exactly how double adoptions benefit those who adopt kittens.
“⚠️This is why Jin’s Bottle Babies is HUGE on double adoptions. ⚠️”
“It really is the best for all stakeholders! Let the kittens terrorize each other instead of your feet in the middle of the night, your couch, and the older pets in your home. Let your kittens tucker each other out in ways we humans can not,” Shelbi explains.
Doing the Kitten Energy Math
Although two kittens may sound like more work, it’s not. In reality, the kitten math works out such that two times the fluffball energy is easier for humans – and adult pets.
Unfortunately, Cheesy Queso’s home found out the hard way, and it was stressful for him too.
“Two sounds like more, but it’s usually actually less than bringing home just one. From what we can gauge, Queso was a kitten being returned for his kitten energy, making his return actually quite sad. Especially because HE was sad and scared upon return, he was vigorously shaking and not eating, and the stress caused a conjunctivitis flareup.”
Cheesy Queso Gets a Happy Ending
Once back in foster care, Queso got all the attention he needed with foster sister Mia. Then, a family who had already adopted a slightly older cat named Milky introduced Queso, and they loved one another, cuddling together.
Thus a new family adopted Queso, the luckiest of kittens. Now, he’ll live with Milky, another cat named Panda, and three kids too!
“…with three kids in the house, there is always someone readily available to play with him,” writes Shelbi.
Best of all, they know this home will be ideal for Queso.
“They are the BEST pet family and we are so lucky they adopted from us twice now, and then continue to foster with us on occasion. This kid leveled up and struck gold, for sure. 🙂 Congrats little man.”
More on Adopting Two Kittens 🐈🧡🐈
In another post about Pico, one of the other kittens in the “Los Purritos crew,” Shelbi elaborates on who two kittens are often best. Here, Pico cuddles up with his bonded “little bro” named Ressler.
“Adopting two kittens is the most solid choice 99% of the time. People worry it’s more than they can handle, but one kitten without a buddy to burn off wild kitten energy with is actually much more difficult for everyone under the roof,” she writes.
When adopted by themselves, high-energy kittens are sometimes prone to kitteny mischief:
“Those kittens are the kittens who are prone to end up shredding your couch and biting your feet at night and developing behavioral issues down the line; especially if you have older pets in the home. You don’t want your new kitten getting ‘kitten-y’ on your older pets.”
On the other hand, the rescuers have seen many successful adoptions for single kittens too. Each case is unique, but if you are considering adoption, two could be your best option.
Just take a look below and how could you not consider adopting two?
Follow Jin’s Bottle Babies on Facebook and Instagram to see more cuties like Cheesy Queso.

Pico and Ressler via Instagram