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Petal got a very rough start in life, losing a leg at just two weeks old and winding up in a shelter. She and her two siblings were weak and struggling and would have perished without immediate attention. Fortunately, the tiny kittens soon found themselves in the hands of devoted rescuers and veterinarians who knew just what to do for them.

Amanda from Kitten Rescue Life, a southern California nonprofit, and her volunteers pour their hearts into saving kittens from shelters. After receiving around-the-clock care, they raise them until they are strong and ready for adoption.

On Instagram, Kitten Rescue Life shared the story of Petal and her brothers.

“🚨 INCOMING 🚨 Three bottle babies around one week of age, one of them is missing a leg. They are being held at an emergency vet clinic since the shelter told them they would euthanize. The Criticalist at the emergency hospital took a look at the missing limb and said it was caused by trauma. Since it’s still healing, it wouldn’t have been caused by the umbilical cord. 💔” 

Petal, Peanut, and brother

Later, at the veterinarian’s office, the kittens were not feeding, so the rescuers came to help. With a miracle nipple, they began feeding and receiving fluids and began doing better. From there, a kind vet tech took the kittens home to be delivered to a foster who is also a registered veterinary technician. And then, the kittens would be raised until weaned and ready to go to a foster home.

Thus, these kittens found themselves in the best of hands right when they desperately needed help. But for Petal, she would need surgery and it came with a big risk for such a young one.

Petal Prepares for Risky Surgery

Below, you can see poor Petal, who lost a leg due to some unknown trauma. After Petal lost her leg, she developed a painful abscess over an area of exposed bone. So, the vets worked to keep her comfortable and close the wound. Later, she would possibly require amputation.

“She is only two weeks old and far too young to be put under anesthesia, but the infection in her bone could kill her. We have to act fast, and the benefits outweigh the risk,” wrote Amanda.

Petal the kitten

Then, Amanda found out that Petal and her little brother Peanut had both been in pain. He had been suffering from infection and a possible hernia. Fortunately, both kittens responded to pain medication and began to eat. After, the kittens rested comfortably on blankets in an oxygen tent.

“They’re so young and already faced so much adversity. But the good news is we figured out why they aren’t eating, they’re receiving stellar veterinary care, and we are going to do our best to make them comfy while they heal.”

Peanut and Petal in Oxygen tent

For Amanda, it was the first time she had had to take a kitten to be anesthetized and operated on at such a young age. She knew it would be risky, and the kitten may not wake up.

“There is always a risk with anesthesia, but because she’s only two weeks old and tiny even for her age, the risk is much higher, and there’s a chance she may not wake up. I’m here waiting nervously and hoping she makes it through this. Could really use some encouraging words at this time! I’ve named her Petal. 🌸”

Kitten named Petal

Petal Comes Through With Flying Colors

Then, we learn that Petal made it through her surgery. Nestled in a yellow cloth, Petal is sleeping comfortably.

“She’s awake!!! Surgery went great,” we learn in an update.

Resting in a blanket

The next day, we see that Petal has come through with flying colors. Now, she appears comfortable, receiving pain meds and recovering quickly.

“Just wanted to hop on and share a little update on Petal. This photo is from yesterday. She’s doing really well, she doesn’t seem uncomfortable at all but she still gets her pain meds to stay ahead of the pain,” Kitten Rescue Life wrote. “She’s purring, eating, and very mobile. 🌸”

after surgery, Petal

A few days later, Petal is doing great and will be coming home to foster care with her siblings. 

“She is such a strong girl, she gets around just fine and you’d never know she had surgery because she is so lively and happy. We are going to take over fostering her and her siblings soon and we are so excited! 🌸💖”

Just two days later, Petal is ready to come home. Now, it’s the first time the rescuer has bottle-fed kittens in two years, and it brings back happy memories. 

“It’s been TWO YEARS since I’ve had bottle baby fosters and man, it feels so good to have them back again. The ear wiggles, the noises they make when they drink, their rotund bellies and wobbly walking.”

Look at that little face!

Cute Petal the kitten on a floral blanket

Adapting to Life on Three Legs

In a video, we see Petal moving around and adapting just fine, though a bit wobbly.

“Some of you have asked how Petal gets around without half of her back leg, so I put together a short clip of her walking. The answer is she does really well! Because of her age she is still strengthening her muscles and they’re all a bit wobbly which is normal. Not having her leg does make her a bit more wobbly than her siblings, but she doesn’t let that slow her down! Hope you enjoy this cute little compilation video of her cruising around. 🌸💖”

Petal🌸 & Peanut🥜

In recent posts, we see Petal and her brother Peanut doing wonderfully. Napping together, they are content, healthy, and ready for a full, happy life. What a beautiful pair!

“Petal and Peanut napping together 🌸🥜💖”

To see more and to help them in their life saving mission, follow Kitten Rescue Life on Instagram and Facebook.

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