For news reporters who are covering breaking events, they never know what to expect. And when WHIO News Center 7 in Dayton, Ohio sent reporter Kayla Courvell to the scene of an overturned truck, she received quite a shock. But it wasn’t any horrific events of the accident that made the headlines more enticing.

It was a tiny black kitten at the scene who took charge and got herself adopted!
When Courvell arrived, there was a semi truck that had overturned and was blocking the roadway. Flashing blue and red lights shown through the rainy darkness as crews shouted to each other. And there was fuel leaking all over the roadway that had to be cleaned up before anything worse occurred.

But it was the tiny kitten that began following the Ohio police troopers as they traversed the scene that caught her attention. And even though she is extremely allergic to cats, there was no way that she was going to allow the kitten to remain there alone on the streets.
So this is the current situation out here on scene….I don’t know whose cat this is.
There were no other cats or kittens found anywhere near the scene of the accident though; so where was she from?!
Close by, there was only one home that could “belong” to the young cat. But when the officers checked with the homeowners, the kitten was not familiar to them. Even though she was extremely friendly, she may have been born on the streets. Sometimes it’s best to leave the stray kitten where it can return to it’s family or monitored if it doesn’t, rescued at that time. And the crews were planning on leaving the kitten in the field so that this could happen.

Thank goodness for this little buddy giving us an extra hand on scene today! First it helped OSP clean up the fuel spill, then assisted me during live shots and also helped Clay Township PD in directing traffic. Couldn’t have done it without kitty!
The feline had absolutely no interest in returning to a field, whether it had been her home or not. And as friendly as she was, it’s also possible that she was simply dumped on the country roads. Being a black cat, her odds in a shelter fighting outdated stereotypes about her fur color, were not going to be good.

Photo: screenshot — “Well this happened”
That was when WHIO Meteorologist Dontae Jones from the station had a solution that would make everyone happy! Because there was someone that he knew of that was looking for the “right cat” to come along.

With that, their AM Technical Director, Calvin, instructed her to bring the kitten back to the station with her.
Thank you to everyone on scene that allowed Stormy to “assist”. And to the News Center 7 team, CONGRATS on your new boss! *wink wink*
