Everyone knows Mondays can be rough. But for one tiny tuxedo kitten in Tampa, Florida, his Monday was by far the worst he’d known in his short life. At only five weeks old, he found himself being tossed from a moving car into the middle of the busy streets!
It was Monday, May 27th 2019 when the horrific act took place on Columbus Ave. in Tampa.
Making it even worse, it was just before 4:00 pm and there were many cars passing through the 1900 block where it occurred. Clearly shocked, a woman saw the small kitten being heinously dumped and screamed in horror.
Two mechanics from a nearby business, Yenel Auto Paint & Body Work, heard the cry and rushed to the kittens’ aid. Without a second thought, these brave men rushed into the traffic to save the baby. With a posted speed limit of 40 mph regularly ignored, there was no time to spare. The unnamed men pulled the kitten to safety, but not after a few cars rushed over the terrified kitten.
Unfortunately, the incident happened so quickly, the woman didn’t get a good description of the vehicle. Not even the color is mentioned.
Fatefully, a volunteer at the local Humane Society of Tampa Bay was onsite and brought the kitten to the shelter. Whether this was a coincident or not, the shelter is only about 10 blocks from where the kitten was discarded.
It is sad to think the extra 5 minutes it would take to bring the feline here initially wasn’t just done. Instead, being tossed from a moving vehicle is the decision they make?! Disappointing humanity, very disappointing.
“It makes us feel very angry and very sad that somebody would harm an animal or, put it in harm’s way,” Ornella Varchi, Chief Development Officer at the HSTB said. “When it can be just as easy as driving up to our shelter and handing the animal over to us.”
Once the kitten was off the streets and at the shelter, he was given a good once-over.
The poor little boy had suffered some minor injuries from the ordeal. Happily those scrapes and tiny cuts on his paws and a bloody nose healed shortly after. His delicate little white whiskers were mangled as well, but have straightened themselves out.
The brave kitten was named Columbo and the HSTB shared his sad story right after it happened. They wanted to get the word out as soon as possible because the perpetrator needs to be caught.
Not only is abandoning an animal a misdemeanor offense, it is punishable by jail time and a maximum $5,000 fine. Many violent criminals begin with abusing animals, so stopping this person now is essential.
The Humane Society of Tampa Bay even put up a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect.
But there are more good people in the world than bad, especially those looking out for this kitten.
About a week after the initial reward was offered, they still had no information on the person responsible. So the non-profit Florida Voices for Animals sweetened the pot, hoping to jog someone’s memory loose. They doubled the reward after a caring supporter of theirs matched the donation, now totaling $1000!
While others searched for justice, little Columbo headed to a foster home. Since he is so young, he needs to remain in foster care until he can be neutered. This kitten milestone is done at a minimum of 2-months of age and 2 pounds in weight.
He will then be up for adoption, likely not for long. Followers on the HSTB Facebook page are quickly offering the sweet boy a home, weeks before he’s even ready. Until then, the cute kitten dressed in his finest can relax in a safe place. There will be no more being tossed from a moving car for this baby boy.
Hopefully justice will be served soon–as now the reward for the kitten tossed from a moving car has grown again!
PETA got wind of the situation and has now added another $5000 to the reward. This brings the total to $6000!
If you happen to be reading this and have any information, those numbers should convince you to do the right thing!
“It takes a chilling lack of empathy to toss an animal out of a car window and keep on driving,” said PETA Vice President Colleen O’Brien. “The other kittens in the litter this one came from are in danger every minute they spend in the custody of this cruel person, which is why PETA urges anyone with information about this case to come forward now, before it’s too late.”
Please contact the Humane Society at 813-774-4309, the Hillsborough County Sheriff at 813-372-0255, Crime Line at 1-800-873-TIPS or to FVA at 727-656-8368 or fvaonline@yahoo.com
Be sure to follow their social media pages for updates on this little fella. Thank you to the mechanics at Yenel Auto Paint & Body Work for literally dropping everything to save Columbo.
Related Story: Tossed From the Trunk of a Car, 2 Cats Are Learning To Love & Trust Humans AgainRelated Story: Witnesses Quickly Rescue Kitten Seen Being Thrown From Moving Car; Never Gave Up “Hope” She’d Make It
The same person who did this might be the same one throwing kittens out of a moving car on Hwy 19 in Pasco County around Holiday Fl and New Port Richey Fl. I didn’t see it but I read at least 2 incidents on Craigslist about people seeing this done. Thank God they were able to get to the kittens in time. Cruel and evil people. What else can you say about someone like that. I pray this person is found and stopped!
We adopted our cat Freeway after seeing her tossed from a car onto a Southern California freeway. She is a grouchy, beloved member of our family.
What has happened to Colombo? Any leads on the dirt bag who tossed him?
So terribly disgraceful how can ANYONE do this?? ???
I cannot believe how disgustingly cruel and evil some people are!!! If I had my way I would toss them out of a moving car and see how they liked it!!!
I wish I had been there to witness this horrendous and hopefully have the presence of mind to get a good description of the automobile. As for the reward, even though I am on a severely limited budget, I would turn around and the entire $6,000 right back the shelter/rescue group who are helping this kitten, to go to helping even more.
Unfortunately, I live on the other side of the country. But, I hope that someone who was there, will come forward and do what I wish I could do.
Come on, folks! This precious little soul and his litter mates need your help. Step up!