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When we last saw little Strudel, she was just a 10-day-old neonatal kitten. The lucky little kitten had been accepted by a very loving feline foster mom. Sadly, her own mother had tried to smother her to death like her less fortunate siblings. Strudel found her way to Love Your Feral Felines in Southern California. Here, she was not only out of harm’s way, she now had 3 sisters to grow with. The only thing she needs to worry about now is being smothered with snuggles!

So for the last 2 months, little Strudel has been sharing all the sweetness and snuggles she has to offer in her foster home.

She was still with her adopted feline family and Amanda Hodder, founder of KRL, and fosterer for LYFF. The 4 loved learning how to cat together. Apparently growing up with her new sisters though, she learned to carefully survey her surroundings. It’s not her fault she clearly suffers from “resting hiss face”! It’s just SO CUTE even if she’s trying not to be. 

Strudel and I have been together for one month! One month ago I picked her up as a tiny two-day-old fragile kitten. She’s been a joy for us to have and we are entertained by her kooky character every day. She’s finally playing, running, and more confident in her surroundings. We love you Strudel!

On March 25th, everything changed for the patchwork family. 

With the overwhelming numbers of kittens born in “kitten season”, Amanda’s experience was needed by another family. To make room for the new litter, there would be some kitten shifting in the foster ranks of KRL. 

Big foster announcement so everyone please read. Five kittens born today ended up in a high-kill shelter needing rescue. In order to take these babies in, we will be moving our Sweet-and-Petite litter to Zozo. Strudel, Shrimp, Sprout, and Sprinkle will stay with Jen until adopted.

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

This way, hopefully Squishy Mama will take these new babies in as her own, since they have the best chance with a nursing mom. A huge thank you to @suzannesfosters for taking in these five, keeping them warm and fed until they could be transported to us by the amazing Wilma. 

@suzannesfosters was Strudel’s first mama, I was her second, and @zozofoshosho will be her last.

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

Only a few days later, little Strudel began feeling not so well. And snuggles weren’t the cure.

With fragile kittens, their health can literally change in a moment’s notice. Dormant viruses sneak up and attack the sweet babes. For Strudel, the decision was made to bring her back to Amanda for extra TLC and medical care.

Well, well, well. Look who got held back from graduating. Strudel is back in our care after developing a couple symptoms. She threw up, had loose stool, and the beginning of an eye infection.

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

Considering all the losses fosters have had so far, we decided to err on the side of caution.

Instead of graduating with the Sweet and Petite litter, she will get treatment here and either be here until she’s adopted or ready to graduate with the appreciation litter. We are happy to see her cute face again. Missing that notorious bedhead. She now gets bedbody. We will try to get a photo of that soon. Welcome back, Strudel!

Strudel easily fit in with Amanda’s other foster babies too. And we couldn’t be happier about the photographic evidence! Not to mention that by April 3rd, she was already pre-adopted! 

Soon, she hit the 2-month-old and 2 pound mark for her spay surgery.

It was off to the vet with her foster brother Nicodemus, who was less than thrilled. Thankfully all the KRL followers were treated to day’s antics.

Today is SPAY/NEUTER DAY for Strudel and Nicodemus. Scroll to see Little Nicky’s five stages of grief. ?

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

Stage one – DENIAL “You brought me here for whut? Iz you for realz? No, no. Must be a joke. A bad one. ”

Stage two – ANGER “Kiss my fuzzy näds foster mum! I’ll never let you take them!”

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

Stage three – BARGAINING “I’ll trade you my manhood for Strudel. Just take her instead!”

Stage four – DEPRESSION “Why me mum? I’m scared. What if something goes wrong?”

Stage five – ACCEPTANCE “Okay you have some pretty good points mum. I wouldn’t be alive if you didn’t step up to rescue me, because someone didn’t spay my mum or neuter my dad. I will also be less likely to develop certain diseases or cancers. So I will let you take my näds. But I expect lots of treats, pets, and worship upon my return.”

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

In just a couple of months, Little Strudel had became quite the rambunctious–and absolutely adorable–kitten. 

Check out Strudel’s transformation. It happens in the blink of an eye. From a two day old to a two month old. The day to day can feel like an eternity. All the worries and fears, sleepless nights and prayers they make it to another day and feeling like a week is so far away. Then one day you wake up and you have a kitten who’s almost ready to fly the coup.

Photo courtesy of Kitten Rescue Life

Strudel has a new home lined up for her. The older she’s gotten the wilder she’s become.

Although the first home we had lined up for her was a very nice family, it became very clear to me that she wouldn’t adjust well in a home without a cat friend. I was concerned for her and their son who might end up scratched or bit from her playful pent up energy. The new home has a two year old cat who would love a buddy to play with. 

So on “Caturday”, April 20th, Strudel was officially off to her forever home. I think with those happy faces, Strudel may only have to worry about being smothered with snuggles! Congratulations on another successful kitten rescue to everyone involved. 


If you would like to donate to Kitten Rescue Life, please visit their Amazon Wishlist HERE. Be sure to follow all their adventures on Facebook and Instagram @kittenrescuelife too. To follow all the great work that Love Your Feral Felines do, please visit them here


Related Story: Sole Surviving Kitten Escapes Euthanisia; Determined To Survive With Every Ounce Of His Tiny Being!Related Story: Mama Cat And Her Kittens Rescued From Euthanasia For The SECOND Time Need Our Help!



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