If there is one thing that we know cats love, it’s toilet paper. There’s just something about the prosciutto thin paper that draws them in like moths to a flame. For one lucky kitty named Pusic, his owners thought to give him a special treat: 100 rolls of toilet paper to go crazy with!
100 roll check, complete!
Per their YouTube video description:
Using 100 rolls of toilet paper, you can transform a room beyond recognition. Maybe you don’t know that cats like the sound of toilet paper, but what should they do if it is everywhere – on the wall, on the floor and on the ceiling. A brain blast for them! They are unpredictable!
Check out the adorable video below!
So what inspired Pusic’s pet parents to spoil him with his very own toilet paper soiree? They recently shared with Bored Panda what inspired them to treat their kitty to this paper party:
“We found out about Pusiс’s passion for toilet paper when he was little,” his owners told Bored Panda. “He liked playing with it but we didn’t really encourage him as we try to keep our home in order and he already had many toys. However, we recently decided to let him remember his youth and gave him all the toilet paper he could wish for. Not small pieces, rather cover our entire room in it and try to catch his reaction.”
Not only is this cat in heaven, it’s like little Pusic didn’t even know where to start!
Pusic has a younger human brother, so his humans had to work quickly when looking to spoil their kitty…
“Since we have a small child at our home, we had to be fast. We started ‘decorating’ the room while the child was sleeping during the day and managed to get everything done in a couple of hours before he woke up.”
These are some dedicated pet parents if you ask me!
“In total, Pusic spent about 30 minutes in the room. At first, he didn’t know what to think of it and you could see it on video. He then started looking for something under the paper as all cats like to do, slowly walking around.”
What’s the sweetest gesture you’ve ever done for your cat? Share with us in the comments section! And if you want to see more of CatPusic, follow him on his YouTube channel here.
(And don’t worry about the paper, it was recycled paper that was recycled once more!)
Related Story: Does Your Cat Get Bored When You’re Away?Related Video: Toilet Paper Killer!!
I don’t think Chris and Jess would EVER be able to find anything in their home again – Marm would bury EVERYTHING in toilet paper pulp!