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One cat found herself rescued from the streets and transported to a life of unimaginable splendor.

Photo: Simon Pantling and Avanti Media

A decade ago, a cat who spent each day foraging for scraps at the Borough Market decided to rest on the steps of local cathedral.

Photo: Twitter Bonnie Traylor @ajourneywild

Seeking warmth in the beautiful Southwark Cathedral in London, workers welcomed her into their family, eventually adopting her officially.

The cathedral has been a holy place for over 1,000 years, but never officially home to a cat.

Photo: Southwark Cathedral

She was dubbed Doorkins Magnificat…a name befitting of royalty.

And that is exactly how the fortunate 13-year-old feline is treated. She now rests her head on a silk pillow laid upon the same seat the Chancellor of the Diocese uses during court. Just keeping it warm like any dedicated cat!

Photo: Twitter @DoorkinsM

Her followers can even purchase a book about her in the cathedral gift shop. But fortunately for fans, if you don’t happen to be in London, you can always follow her Twitter page @DoorkinsM.

Doorkins literary meowsterpiece even features her meeting with the Queen in 2013. Yes, THE Queen!

Photos: Doorkins in life and literature:

The Dean of Southwark, the Very Rev Andrew Nunn explained the amusing interaction in an article recently.

“I was escorting Her Majesty to the window and right next to it sat the cat in her favorite spot. The Queen stopped and said, ‘Does this cat live here?’ … she was absolutely amazed. The cat slept through the whole thing … It caused a lot of amusement.”

Photo: Twitter @DoorkinsM

As much as we are in awe of Doorkins life, she simply and casually strolls around the cathedral. She’s become an expert at ignoring the pawparazzi.

Now, she will be immortalized furever when a stone corbel created in her honor was mounted at the cathedral on August 20th.

Photo: Twitter @DoorkinsM

It was crafted by the City and Guilds of London Art School, based in Kennington.

Photo: Nigel Howard; ~ “Where’s my fish?”

There are some rule and regulations if…scratch that, WHEN you plan to visit Doorkins. These are for her safety and to ensure that she is there to welcome visitors and worshippers for many years to come.

The Magnificat is still treated like any other beloved cat though by her caretakers. Regular checkups are a must. 

Photos: Twitter @DoorkinsM

She naturally disagrees when it is time to visit the V.E.T., just like most cats.

Photo: Nigel Howard;

Healthy and going strong in her golden years, Doorkins is sure to bring a smile to everyone who is lucky enough to be in her purresence <3

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