Friendly Kittens Keep Crawling Out of the Woodwork at This Cluttered Car Shop
Pro rescuer Heidi had her hands full with foster kittens living the VIP Life at 'Chez Heidi' when she arrived at a car shop
Pro rescuer Heidi had her hands full with foster kittens living the VIP Life at 'Chez Heidi' when she arrived at a car shop
Concerned neighbors called in the pro-rescuers when they discovered three adorable kittens hiding in a vandalized rusty car. The neighbors observed them for a
A chonky kitten named Puppy arrived at an experienced foster mom's home. And he was one of the youngest felines she had ever cared
An adorable grey kitten named Penn became obsessed with a ball "more than anything else in life," says Brooklyn-area rescuer Heidi. But just hours
A rescuer in Brooklyn, NY, saved Marshal, the cutest little ginger kitten found all by his lonesome near a fire station. Heroic "Cat Wrangler"
Heidi, the self-described "cat wrangler," helped save two adorable ginger kittens, Topsy and Turvy, in Brooklyn, NY. But at first, it was only Topsy by
The cutest rollie pollie kitten named Winnie is melting hearts for those following self-described Brookly "cat wrangler" Heidi. When she rescues cats and kittens,
Brooklyn "Cat Wrangler" Heidi of Heidi Wrangles Cats shares the story of Spring, a feral cat with an adorable black heart on his nose. "His little