We often hear about the so-called ‘cat distribution system,’ when a cat chooses their new family as if by fate. Cats seem to pick up on people’s vibes and know right away when they spot a potential cat lady or cat dad.
We consider it a sign of very good luck when a cat chooses you for affection, purrticularly black cats. It’s a sign that you are someone they can (hopefully) trust. In a world of so many hazards, that’s saying a lot. So, if a cat singles you out for affection, take it as a huge compliment, at the least.
Things may even be looking up for you. Who knows? Aim high, and you might get a hole-in-one in life!
The Cat Distribution System and Two Ohio Golfers
In December, two friends were hoping to have some luck at a Marysville, Ohio golf course. That’s when golfer Frank Geib noticed they were being observed. A fluffy black cat spotted them and just knew these guys would be a lot of fun that day!
The black kitty trotted right over, tail held high like a golf flag as a gesture of friendship. But the golfers didn’t know why the cat distribution system had chosen them. Whether they were allergic or not, they had a new ‘golf catty.’
“He’s going to get the car with us, I bet. This is absurd. December golf in Ohio. You never know what you’re going to get,” said Geib.
Images via Instagram/Geib Golf
As the men walked toward their golf cart, the cat boldly followed, going so far as to jump into the vehicle for a ride! The men laughed as their new golf catty rode along between them.
At a stop, the cat inspected the golf equipment. Then, a pawsible ulterior motive was exposed, as the kitty found a bag of Cheetos!
“Tiger is back, though. You see this? Look at this. He wants to. He loves me. I don’t know why,” the golfer said.
Working for Cheetos
In the comments of the video, we see that the golf catty may be named Kiki and is well-loved in the neighborhood. And Kiki did manage to achieve her apparent goal, a ride in the cart and a snack too!
“It was always about the Cheetos,” said Kyle P.
“He got them eventually 😂,” replied Geib.
Others said they had met her at the golf course, where she liked to serve as a catty or unofficial groundskeeper.
Many others said the cat distribution system had chosen Geib, and he should have adopted her on the spot. Dozens of people offered up new names. The Catty, Birde, and Bogie were favorites.
“The cat distribution system is getting bolder,” said Desiree C.9
But, as friendly, confident, and healthy as this cat is, there’s little question she has a home. It’s one more reason we prefer to keep cats indoors: Left outside, someone may well believe the cat distribution system has chosen them. An adventurous cat can easily find themselves miles from home in this manner. But if there’s any question, a vet can easily scan for a microchip to be sure!
Video via Instagram/Geib Golf
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