Frankie, a lovable orange tabby found struggling in Nevada, has an important lesson to teach everyone.
The tabby enjoyed the life of a pampered house cat for years. Then, one day, his human tragically passed away unexpectedly. Although they adored him, there wasn’t a plan for what would happen to this cuddle muffin.

Frankie was living as a stray but not doing great. Images via Facebook/Heaven Can Wait and Amor Peludo
What Would Happen to Frankie Without a Plan?
Left without his human who loved him, Frankie ended up a stray for a time. But, as with most house cats, he wasn’t cut out for the hard life on the streets. Feral cats have had to learn over their lifetimes how to get by, and many of them struggle, too. So, a big, sweet and lovable goof like Frankie didn’t stand much of a chance.
Before rescuers found him, Frankie’s name was Thor, a brave name for a cat. Indeed, he was brave, but when rescuers got to him, he was weak and in desperate shape.
“Barely surviving, he was spotted and brought to our Community Cat Clinic,” shared Heaven Can Wait. “Frankie was severely underweight, malnourished, and his skin and fur were in bad condition. He was tested, treated, and vaccinated. 🐱”
Frankie Gets a Second Chance
Once he recovered strength, Frankie’s rescuers found him a new mom, who helped him continue gaining weight and fight off a respiratory infection.
“Amor Peludo found him a new home, and his mom fell in love with his tragic story and sweet temperament. 💙 She says he saved her as well, and he will be safe forever with her,” Heaven Can Wait shared.
Video by Heaven Can Wait Animal Society:
Today, Frankie is a happy boy with a mom who spoils him and a senior brother and sister. And, as you can see, he even has his own chiller!
Making A Free Will for Your Pets
As we’ve shared before, having no legal plan in place can put pets’ futures in question. Frankie’s rescuers suggested their partner, FreeWill, which they describe as “a simple and cost-free service that over 70,000 people used last August to plan their pet’s future and support the causes they love.”
The service helps you create a legally binding will for your family.
Note: Cole and Marmalade do not endorse any specific lawyer or organization.
It’s also important to be aware that sometimes, a legal will may not always be honored the way one intends. The law can quickly become a complex place for average folks. Then it’s left to the courts to interpret and make decisions whenever questions arise. So, if in doubt, it may be helpful to consult a lawyer well-versed in laws relating to animals, which vary by state.
Today, an increasing number of lawyers are specializing in cases involving animals. And, it’s always important to do lots of homework, get referrals, and recommendations before proceeding. But in the end, it could mean the world for your beloved pets’ futures.