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Hagrid, or “Haggy Bear,” is a giant fluffy snaggletooth black cat who is a purrfect example of why adopting an adult cat from a rescue or shelter is a great idea. 

Many years ago, rescuers from Washington, D.C., decided to bring Hagrid and a group of other kitties home from a rural shelter in Maryland. Hagrid has been there waiting for a home for two years! They almost didn’t get the opportunity to bring Hagrid home since another fosterer planned to rescue him first. But then, they changed their minds thinking the giant cat would intimidate their resident cat. But despite his appearance, Hagrid is the “chillest, sweetest, friendliest cat ever.” 

Hagrid the gentle giant rescued cat, Washington D.C.

Images and media via Instagram/pokeypotpie

Hagrid and Adopting an Adult Cat 

Hagrid proved the ideal cat for any foster home, a gentle soul endearing himself to the resident “faculty cats” Pokey and Dora at the Playschool for Wayward Kittens in just two weeks. 

“About 3 weeks into fostering him, Dora cozied up to him and asked for snuggles. She hadn’t done that with Pokey or any other foster since our last cat, Azzy, had passed away a year earlier. And that’s how we knew we had to adopt him,” the rescuers said.

Below, you can see Hagrid, Dora, the Headmistress (in the drawer) and first of five foster fails, and Pokey, the Senior Kitten Expert. We’ve previously shared the story of Pokey or PokeyPotPie, rescued as a kitten in 2012.

Hagrid, Dora, and Pokey or PokeyPotPie, Hagrid the gentle giant foster cat, PokeyPotPie, Washington D.C. Playschool for Wayward Kittens

The giant fluffball also loved being around the foster kittens, making a great foster dad to them. By having adult cats like Hagrid around, the kittens would learn “how to cat,” and about important boundaries. That way, they would become well-adjusted and transition to their adopted homes much easier.

“Within two weeks of arriving, Dora was snuggling her sweet self into his shaggy fur and Pokey was happily playing with him. Hagrid also took to our foster kittens immediately and was clearly meant to stay forever. 🖤,” the rescuers explained.

Hagrid and Mia the one-eyed foster kitten

You Know What You’re Getting with an Adult Cat

When the rescuers met Hagrid, they got a sense of his sweet purrsonality, and had a good idea of how he would behave at home. With kittens, that’s not always possible as their unique purrsonalities are just beginning to emerge. On the other hand, sometimes adult cats in shelters will not be acting like their usual friendly selves due to the stress of being in an unfamiliar environment. It’s something to keep in mind if you are looking for the right feline friend.

“Hagrid is a WONDERFUL example of why it can be a really great idea to adopt an adult cat,” they said. “When you adopt a kitten, you have no idea how their personality will change as they grow, but if you adopt an adult, their personality is already developed, and you know what you’re getting!”

The rescuers decided Hagrid was the ideal foster dad and adopted him as a permanent part of the faculty! He was their first adult adoption. Now, they celebrate a happy annual Haggaversary and are so thankful to have this big teddy bear in their lives.

Hagrid and the foster cats at Hagrid the gentle giant foster cat, PokeyPotPie, Washington D.C. Playschool for Wayward Kittens

Hagrid Adores the Foster Kittens

Hagrid is as sweet as pie with the foster kittens, many of whom are amazing blind pirate kitties. Many of them had to overcome the feline herpes virus as malnourished kittens rescued from the streets.

Here he is with Olive, a kitten recovering from eye enucleation surgery. The timid kitten took comfort in Hagrid and Pokey, which helped her become more confident.

And here’s Hagrid in a video for his 5th year Haggiversary, showing him with cat dad Ian and the hundreds of foster babies he’s lovingly helped raise. He became friends with everyone he met!

You can see more of Hagrid at the Playschool for Wayward Kittens on InstagramFacebook, and TikTok.


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