A barn cat program is a great way to find homes for feral cats and help them avoid euthanasia. In return for food and shelter, the kitties keep away rodents while working their feline charms on the humans. It’s much like how cats first domesticated humans thousands of years ago.
Although they may not want you to ever touch them, cats adopted from a barn cat program still need daily care. Their purrsonalities range from feral to friendly. And importantly, cats adopted from barn cat programs don’t always live in barns. Here’s one adorable example from the San Diego area.
Barn Cat Becomes a Meowchanic
Recently, Love Your Feral Felines (LYFF) shared the story of Sophia, a gorgeous cat adopted through their wonderful barn cat program. In this case, she wasn’t destined for a barn, a friendly kitty who would instead live at a local car dealership.
The employees quickly fell in love with Sophia. As cats do, she worked her charms, and you can see they absolutely love her!
“This is Sophia, a barn cat we placed in March. She was hired on as a mechanic at one of the local dealerships. 🚗,” shared LYFF.
Images via Facebook/Love Your Feral Felines
Sophia the kitty doesn’t just keep rodents away, but she also keeps morale high. Wherever they go, cats can work wonders for the mood. Whether it be at work, in retirement homes, the police force, airports, hospitals, or even occasionally the military! As you can see below, cats adopted as barn cats do that, too!
“They say she’s their best employee! 😺.”
Seeing Sophia start a new life where she’s so beloved is a huge reward for her rescuers.
“These updates are why we do what we do!” LYFF shared.
By choosing to adopt, the car dealership gave Sophia her best life. In return they were rewarded with their ‘best employee.’
“A massive thanks to the barn cat adopters for giving them the kitties the most precious gift of all…the chance to live their lives. 🐈”
Barn Cats Turned People Cats
It’s not the first time a barn cat has decided to become a people cat. Very often, cats will be labeled ‘un-adoptable’ in a shelter, but they are actually just scared and need a chance to bloom in a safe environment.
Another cat who looks very similar to Sophia, Stella, found her home through the same Barn Cat Program. However, she decided she preferred the company of people indoors.
“Stella was adopted a few months ago from the Barn Cat Program. Sometimes, the barn cats have other plans to…well…be people cats,” LYFF shared.
Here’s what her adopter has to say about this ‘furr-bulous kitty’:
“Stella was so people-friendly and didn’t seem happy out in the barn…so we brought her inside and she LOVES it. She follows me around all day and sits on my lap. She’s free to roam the whole house with our other two cats but she doesn’t like them very much yet. Isn’t she perfect! I love her so much already.”
The picture on the bottom right shows Stella’s ‘before picture.’ She was so scared at the shelter! But after finding a home, she transformed into a soft cuddle muffin. Of course, one shouldn’t expect this when adopting through such a program, but it does happen on occasion.
Cat Man Chris Visits The Barn Cat Program
It was nine years ago when Cat Man Chris had the pleasure of visiting LYFF’s barn cat program in San Diego. They welcomed Chris with open arms and traps ready to be set!
“All barn cats are spayed/neutered and vaccinated before being relocated and Love Your Feral Felines have saved 50 feral cats this year alone! … with many more barn cat applications pending! This is a really great way to save feral cats from being euthanized and allowing them to live out their lives as working cats :)” shared Cole and Marmalade.